I believe passionately that blind people should be leading the organisations that serve us. Lived experience matters. It can make a material difference
to the type and quality of services we receive.
Vision Australia's Board has decided to make an internal appointment for its vacant CEO role, rather than conduct a thorough international search to find
the best person for the job. This means that capable blind people external to the organisation are denied the right to apply.
I am a proud signatory to an open letter written by blind leaders, which has been sent to the Vision Australia Board.
There is a version of this letter available for all who wish to express solidarity to sign.
In the spirit of self determination/nothing aboutus without us, it is time for Vision Australia to appoint its first blind CEO.
If you feel the same, please sign.
Portugal just ran on 100 percent renewables for six days in a row.
For nearly a week, the country of 10 million met customer needs with wind, hydro and solar — a test run for operating the grid without fossil fuels.
We are excited to announce the theme of our first game jam is: "symbiotic." Devs have one month to create an Open Source video game around the theme!
#purism #purismgamejam #gamejam #gamedev #freesoftware
This one’s for the white guys: dear privileged people in tech, it’s easy to sit back and benefit from the rules of the game. But, if you are an ally, we need you to stand up when DEI initiatives are being dismantled. Yup, nothing to add here.
“Dangerous distraction:” Plug-in hybrids emit up to 7 times more than claimed, even in cities
What they found was shocking: The real-world emissions of the tested plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) were 85-114 g/km above the “artificially low” official ratings of 27-36 grams
#car #hybrid #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
Have you ever lost your way when visiting the hospital? Come and help map it! Next mapping day out, Saturday March 16th: https://geogeeks.org/2024/0316_osm-QEII.html #Geogeeks #Perth #OpenStreetMap
I'm at the #SaveOurEPA rally with a few hundred people in front of the WA Parliament House. Let's protect our unique and beautiful environment!
Dear companies,
please don't make having access to Google's or Apple's app stores to use your products a requirement.
This locks so many of us out because we either don't have a compatible device or the device doesn't have the software to access these services (like google play services).
1️⃣ /2️⃣
The next Geogeeks' open geospatial hack night is happening next Wednesday at Riff: https://geogeeks.org/2024/0214_hack_night.html
Israel is a terrorist state.
#israel #palestine #gaza #genocide #ethnicCleansing #apartheid #fromTheRiverToTheSea
I wrote about the genocide in Palestine, and how tech has been silent and complicit.
I had low expectations for COP28—oil emirate?—but to hear petrostates (that's US) crow about the statement to "move away" from fossil fuels as "historic" & not the utter minimum... well, that's fucking revealing.
Business as Usual will fight to the death.
Our death.
We aren't doomed, but we're in deep trouble. The only way out is together.
1—vote green
3—change a high carbon usage to low carbon TODAY
4—keep going
Any action gets you started & we don't have any time to lose.
Large plume of dust, and fires flaring up🔥, in strong offshore southeasterly winds along the Western Australia🇦🇺 coast southwest of #Broome along 80 Mile Beach seen by #Himawari9 🛰️on 10 December. #bushfires #duststorm
2 months of Australian bushfires and smoke. Made by Peter Atwood for #30DayMapChallenge. 4K version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxPYYKMudOE
These haunting underwater photos portray climate change in a new way
The stunning portrait is one in a series of images in “SINK / RISE,” the latest project from fine art photographer Nick Brandt. The photos feature South Pacific islanders representing people who are on the brink of losing their homes, lands and livelihoods due to climate change
#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #PacificIslands
I am into science and climate activism. I love to learn about social issues and to challenge my own perspectives. I'm also into free and open-source software and I am back in University studying computer science.