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Dean boosted

Aspen batch phones going out next will get an anodized chassis - look at those kill switches. Thank you for your patience as we incrementally ship through tens of thousands of Librem 5 phones over the coming months. Yes, we know you're excited, we are too and you will be impressed!

Dean boosted

"If this video disgusts you, it should. It happens daily in Iraq. The rules of engagement in Iraq are a joke"

- Ethan McCord, the US soldier seen carrying one of the two severely injured children in the #CollateralMurder video.

Dean boosted

👏 Send huge congrats 👏 to @mastohost for this. It is for the health of the #Fediverse and a very good call.

They write:

"I have added the following to the terms of service:


I will not accept to host Mastodon servers that promote or that become a gathering of users around the following topics:

...National Socialism
Holocaust denial
Alt right, including under the disguise of freedom of speech
Sex and gender discrimination

I will also not accept Mastodon servers that are mainly used for the following activities:

Automated sharing of third-party content, news sources, websites or social media content that doesn’t belong to you

Trolling, insulting and derogatory comments towards others outside your server

Mass following and aggregation of content..."

Dean boosted
Dean boosted
Dean boosted
Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml