@schratze this sounds like heaven up in the clouds 😇
I was thinking there will be an aggregator of streaming services and it'll cost the same as cable tv. I pay for Netflix but pirate the odd show from another service if a friends keeps talking about it. @eldaking
@dsfgs it's either Firefox, Chrome/Chrome-based or Safari. Firefox is the lesser of the three evils.
@RubbaDuxx @huy_ngo I tried that approach but my problem was way more complex and went down 'the stack'. I spent too much time banging my head before moving on.
Start with a problem that is within the code you want to learn. If the problem goes beyond the 'front' app, write it in the issue and find out/ask where the problem may be.
Triaging problems to where the fault maybe is very helpful for other developers.
@alcinnz simplicity would this be like putting all your files on the desktop and not all your apps?
@alcinnz @tychosoft we also have to remember that 'open source' to them means 'weakly licensed, corporate-exploitable-without-giving-back' open source, *not* Copyleft. Never copyleft. Copyleft is a like a right angle (or a crucifix) to a vampire.
Not all #hydrogen is the same, we are only allowed Green Hydrogen. https://reneweconomy.com.au/study-finds-blue-hydrogen-worse-for-climate-than-burning-coal-or-gas/ #climateChange
@MrTWatson @blindscribe so you may think there may be an issue. This does not mean the vaccine is not working. There are only 2 rna vaccines so we may see a difference in the future. All vaccines *reduce* hospitalisations, death and transmission.
@MrTWatson @blindscribe the vaccines do work but not how the media advertised it. The vaccine trains your body to fight. The training is only useful if your body gets invaded. The virus is always evolving. Infecting more people gives it more of a chance to mutate in a way that our body cannot see it. Vaccines don't increase the mutation rate. It is different to antibiotics, they directly attack bacteria, while vaccines only mimic viruses to train your body.
@Snoro New Zealand with all its Earth quakes! At least Tasmania is on the list.
@phryk then permissive licences are not FOSS. I think that's why capitalists prefer MIT and use 'open source', no freedoms involved.
The future of food: Can you eat to save the climate?
From complex labels to opaque sourcing and unclear carbon impact, consumers find it hard to know if their food choices are environmentally sustainable.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/climate-change-food-what-to-eat/ #climateemergency #pollution #environment #ecology #food
I am into science and climate activism. I love to learn about social issues and to challenge my own perspectives. I'm also into free and open-source software and I am back in University studying computer science.