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DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

@eliasr @someunexpectedsparks @staticvoidmaine

And the blue dot moves!!! :D

on a showing my location in in real time as I walk home.

And yes... I walked **slowly**, an did not walked straight, and the video quality is not the best. But hey it is a lot of progress :D

The space is a parking space close to home.

Credits go out to the several developers that worked on the different parts of the stack necessary for this to work.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Great work of explaining #FreeSoftware #compliance! Chinese maker Naomi Wu brought a Chinese company into #GNU #GPL compliance by visiting their office in person and talking to them. The video of that is here: #nt thanks @LaF0rge for the pointer!

DanielTux boosted
90 Prozent der Covid-19-Patienten in Kosovos Krankenhäusern müssen beatmet werden. Das bringt die Kliniken an die Belastungsgrenze. Ein Grund ist die sehr niedrige Impfquote im Land. Von Theresa Krinninger.
Coronavirus: Kosovos Kliniken droht der Kollaps
DanielTux boosted

Ich teile die Kritik an der E-Evidence-Verordnung vollumfänglich. Aber ich erwarte darüber hinaus, dass selbst ohne E-Evidence Patientendaten nicht unverschlüsselt in einer Cloud stehen und vom Cloud-Betreiber abgegriffen werden können.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

After removing all Google ads and tracking code from their website, #Techdirt asked their readers to support them with paid adds.

One #FSFE supporter now paid for adds promoting our "Public Money? #PublicCode!" campaign.

More here: #nt

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Was also able to use the GPS to record the ride back home and convert the data to a *.gpx file to open in GNOME maps.

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DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

@storm @lorabe @danielst @devinprater @wizzwizz4 @csepp @pvagner I just donated 50 USD to to fund "Software Optimizations: Accessibility support/screen reader support with phosh/gtk4" @purism I think we need to find ways to fund a11y support in gtk4, sticking with older unsupported versions is not going to be sustainable for long term.

DanielTux boosted

@wizzwizz4 @devinprater @csepp @praveen @danielst @lorabe @storm I recall a thread where someone recounted some history behind all this, that there were several projects funded by the (American Council for the Blind?) to improve accessibility, but each time Microsoft (a big ACB funder) threatened to pull funding unless they dropped the projects.

And the reason appears to be: governments require accessibility in their software, so MS et al didn't want any threats to their monopoly over government contracts.

So to accuse OSS community of simply not caring enough to bother isn't really accurate - there is deliberate monopolism at play here. MS and Apple might appear to "care more" but only when it gets them access to tenders, and excludes the communal software from the competition.

DanielTux boosted

BookWyrm is the Federated GoodReads Replacement I Didn’t Know I Needed

If you aren’t familiar with the concept, #GoodReads is an Amazon-owned social platform that integrates directly with their Kindle offering. #BookWyrm is an #opensource, #federated
alternative designed by Mouse Reeve, and is supported by Patreon donations.


#books #reading

DanielTux boosted

Die Instanz hier fragt uns, was es Neues gibt. Machen wir es kurz: uns! Wir sind #neuhier und nutzen die Chance einer #vorstellung
Wir sind der Volksverpetzer, ein Kollektiv von round about 20 Leuten und haben keine Lust auf Fake News, Klimawandel, Hass und Hetzkampagnen.

DanielTux boosted

Viele haben das mulmige Gefühl, dass sie etwas Falsches tun, wenn sie Facebook, Twitter oder YouTube benutzen.
Stimmt! Es gibt gute Gründe, die Social-Media-Großmächte zu meiden. Aber es gibt gute Alternativen im #Fediverse.

Vortrag in #Bayreuth:

uAwg /c

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

RT @ShannonDowney
Good morning

Please get vaccinated.

DanielTux boosted
Auf die Meldung mehrerer Schwachstellen in einer Wahlkamp-App reagierte die CDU mit Strafantrag. Der CCC wird CDU-Schwachstellen künftig nicht mehr melden.

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