We contributed 20 patches and 23 Reviewed-by or Tested-by tags towards #Linux 5.4 https://puri.sm/posts/purisms-contributions-to-linux-5-4/
Including: improvements to the Librem 5 devkit’s IMU and panel drivers, preparation for a mainline display stack and Librem 5 bug fixes #Purism #Librem5 #OpenSource
Purism's Contribution to the Linux 5.4 Kernel.
There's a petition to Save the .org top level domain. Apparently, ICANN could still stop it from being sold.
I know, petitions rarely work, but I also know that _sometimes_ they do.
Please consider signing if you _run_ anything there, or if you _use_ or _care about_ anything that's on a .org domain. Also, boosting this to others who follow you, would be very much appreciated.
Liebe #Medien,
wenn ihr über die Gefahren durch vermutete Hintertüren in #Huawei-Produkten berichtet, dann erwähnt doch auch mal, was seit @Snowden eigentlich bekannt sein sollte: Dass in Konkurrenzprodukten z.B. von #Cisco und #Juniper bereits Hintertüren gefunden wurden.
Es gibt sogar ein Kartenspiel mit Beispielen für Implantate: https://shop.digitalcourage.de/nsa-quartett.html
#5g #Netwerktechnik #Spionage #Überwachung #Einseitigkeit #bias /c
RT @KatjaRietzler@twitter.com
Die Rheinische Post zeigt die Absurdität eines Mindestabstands von 1000 Metern bei Windrädern. Bei Steinbrüchen mit Sprengungen sind es 300 Meter. Sind Windräder lauter und gefährlicher?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KatjaRietzler/status/1197041121685311489
RT @random_walker@birdsite.link
Much of what’s being sold as "AI" today is snake oil. It does not and cannot work. In a talk at MIT yesterday, I described why this happening, how we can recognize flawed AI claims, and push back. Here are my annotated slides: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~arvindn/talks/MIT-STS-AI-snakeoil.pdf
You can now watch my talk on the future of Internet regulation at the European Parliament yesterday on Peertube (@joinpeertube) thanks to @vincib
And here are my slides (which were on the screens but aren’t visible in the video):
After my talk at the European Parliament today, I asked a question at the end of the second panel (03:35:47) and a corporate lobbyist attempted to tone police me (03:44:50). This was my response (03:45:06). If I’d been any younger he’d have heard “OK Boomer” :)
phosh 0.1.3 is out https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/tags/v0.1.3
Most notable change is that favorites are now editable via long press (contributed by Zander Brown). Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.
@deshipu For me, it's not that I'm technophobic but that I don't get pulled by in as much by the tech industry's marketting or "hype". I understand technology, leading me to know how empty (or worse dangerous) most of that is and how much better computers can trivially be if everyone wasn't chasing lock-in.
Unfortunately saying that technology has to serve an actual purpose can look like technophobia.
RT @nicosemsrott
Nachdem das Parlament mir meinen Auftritt verboten hat, lügt es jetzt auch noch (siehe Ende des Artikels). Mir wurden keine Alternativen für einen Auftritt angeboten.
Linus Torvalds: Git is a distributed version control system, which means even if you lose a remote, you still have your local copy, so your code is safe, unlike centralized VCSes.
Developer Community: wut?
Microsoft: Hmm. How about you use our Visual Studio Online and push it to GitHub, both hosted on our computers, so that you don't have a local copy?
Developer Community: Yaay! Such innovation! Very cloud! Much wow! 🎉
Trump: Thou shall not use US services.
Developers: Where's my code? 😭
RT @MartinSonneborn
Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat erklärt, dass meinem Sitznachbarn Carles Puigdemont und seinen beiden katalanischen Kollegen der Zugang zum Europaparlament zu Unrecht verwehrt wird. Eine Ohrfeige für Spanien & meinen alten Freund, Mussolini-Verehrer Antonio Tajani.
Some practical tips on how to keep up appearances at work when you're suffering from a bout of serious #depression, written by a fellow survivor in answer to a request for advice from another survivor:
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Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan