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DanielTux boosted

Tusky made its choice and respect it. IMO, I still think that it doesn't deserve bad ratings. People are free to use a forked app.
But I can't admit that their CM tries to destroy other works with false arguments.
"Fedilab blocked then removed,etc."
I just think, it's impossible to discuss with such persons. And the Tusky account should not be used for promoting personal feelings or such agressions toward other devs.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

I would like to thank you @fdroidorg
Not only for your answer to the current matter but for all the work you provide.
I guess that everyone wants to use the Fediverse for catching best friendly moments. Yes, I will never censor instances but I will always provide best tools for everyone.
You are and will remain the best place for foss apps. And I am happy and proud that Fedilab have its place with all other amazing apps that you provide.
So simply, thank you 🙏

DanielTux boosted

@strypey @fdroidorg
Agreed, I don't agree with Tusky either. A hardcoded block is exactly why we have OSS and rickrolling is just childish. I'm merely giving them the benefit of the doubt and will drop them if they do something like that again. Gab is clearly the moral bad guy, but how we deal with bad guys is what defines us. Tusky chose to get down on their level and use their methods. Fedilab and F-Droid are trying to find a higher level of morality, navigating through the maze carefully.

DanielTux boosted

RT @MartinSonneborn
Nach den doch recht schroffen Worten gestern an Frau vonderLeyen heute ein paar etwas versöhnlichere hinterher... Smiley

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

telnet # For maps in your terminal from OpenStreetMap. Use arrow keys to move around and a/z to zoom in/out. Or use your mouse if your terminal supports that.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Good: burning post-it notes containing secrets after use.
Bad: holding the post-it by the sticky side as you light it.

DanielTux boosted

RT @nicosemsrott
Von höchster Stelle bestätigt: Schon 2006 habe ich beim Jugendwettbewerb „EURopäischE Vision“ den 2. Platz belegt. So viel europapolitische Kompetenz soll mir Ursula von der Leyen erstmal nachmachen! (5/5)

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Found a super-handy command today. fselect is a program that imitates SQL SELECT syntax for filesystem searches. Examples:

fselect path FROM / WHERE is_shebang = TRUE # Writes a list of all interpreter scripts to stdout. Also a lot of permission denied errors to stderr.
fselect path, size FROM ~ WHERE name LIKE '.%' AND is_file = TRUE ORDER BY size DESC # Writes a list of hidden files in your home directory somewhere from biggest to smallest.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

@liw “The Ferengi are hailing us.”
“Uh… we can't, they're using a proprietary codec and the licence isn't compatible with Federation law.”
“Can we install it anyway? Under one of the diplomacy directives.”
“Nnnooo, looks like we'd need to upgrade the ship's processing core. Or maybe downgrade. Possibly both.”
“Ah screw it, just open fire.”

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

if you're dropping fedilab for not blocking gab, why not drop windows for linux while you're at it?

. gave notch billions of dollars
. recently accepted a $480 million contract to develop VR tech for the US army
. profits from nearly every computer sale in the world, regardless of whether you want to even use the preinstalled windows or not
. overworks employees and retains "permatemp" employees, who work for the company permanently on a temp contract, to avoid providing medical benefits
. bans usage of the word "gay" (even as a surname) on xbox live
. collects data from windows users with no means to disable it

and the worst part is, because of microsoft's data collection, microsoft actually profits off of you if you have windows installed, unlike fedilab. if you ask others to uninstall fedilab, make sure you uninstall windows!

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

"take me down to concurrency city where green pretty is grass the girls the and are"

-- a programmer

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