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California: 94 percent of Californians think we should be able to take companies that violate their privacy to court. SB 561 would let us do that. Call your senators, speak up for your privacy rights, and tell them to do the same.

@kyle For the fun of it, like Linux emoji and stuff like that. And yes I do prefer ASCII ones but imagine me put an ascii of the Linux Penguin doing this :) is two chars, <3 another two and so on. 😀 this is just one ❤️

I was interviewed by Fast Company about @purism hardware kill switches in this piece on the current trend to put them in home automation devices to address everyone's unease with always-on cameras and mics in their bedroom.

EU Political view test 

As part our commitment to open source, today we are announcing the release of GopenPGP, an open source golang encryption library. This library powers all our apps and has been audited for security by @sec_consult.

Stop doing drugs to escape reality. Use them to find yourself. To expand your awareness, and discover new perspectives. Use them creatively.

"Post-goth with JPEG artifacts" is how I'm gonna describe myself from now on.

New: thanks to Apple's locked down architecture on iOS, it's almost impossible to tell whether your iPhone has been hacked.

Here's why, and why that's dangerous.


Use Tor
Use Signal
Apply updates
Accept that every device could be, but probably isn’t, compromised
Live your life

🐦 🔗:


End to end encryption does nothing to protect against attacks on your endpoint, true. And seatbelts and airbags do nothing to prevent your car from being hit by a meteorite.


@bane the "leak" would be when the notice goes from non-public to public

i'm not saying purism fucked up here, i'm just being careful since it *could* happen

somebody on ssg posts something in a non-public scope that ends up federating to purism somehow

pursim could decide to show it as public since they don't support non-public scopes

to avoid any potential mistakes, ssg just doesn't send non-public scoped notices to purism
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