A smarthome concept that wasn't absolute hell: the mid-80s Soviet SPHINX project, based on the idea that there would be a central, modular PC and appliances in the house like the TV would connect to it via the LAN. Everything was designed to be easily-expandable or pared-down as needed. It was purely conceptual but the props looked cool as hell.
Now listening to Rammstein - Amerika #music
RT @branflakeassMAN@twitter.activitypub.actor
Truly we have transcended language as a species
🐦⛓️: https://twitter.com/branflakeassMAN/status/1139702623853043712
User-based custom emojis. That would be cool, since @kyle won't add any
@quad God I have two of those laptops too, damn HP's.
♲ @chazfirestone@twitter.com: All the balls are the same color — and that color is *brown*!
@caz @paulfree14 They were referring against "antifa", the collective "group". Not Anti Fascism as a whole.
Now listening to Os Azeitonas - Quem és tu miúda #music
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