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A smarthome concept that wasn't absolute hell: the mid-80s Soviet SPHINX project, based on the idea that there would be a central, modular PC and appliances in the house like the TV would connect to it via the LAN. Everything was designed to be easily-expandable or pared-down as needed. It was purely conceptual but the props looked cool as hell.

User-based custom emojis. That would be cool, since @kyle won't add any

password generators are shit because they have to rely on the random number generators in your computers and software that the NSA obviously controls

the most secure password generator is putting a cat on your keyboard because nobody knows what the hell those devils think, not even the NSA
holy shit ffmpeg is 18 years old as of december last year. you know what that means, gamers
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♲ All the balls are the same color — and that color is *brown*!…

@caz @paulfree14 They were referring against "antifa", the collective "group". Not Anti Fascism as a whole.

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