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@Mayana Yw, I found it on Lainchan. I thought it was a neat tool so I saved it on my notebook when I saw it.

@Mayana And I did like it too, reminds me of the first I listened to the original. Good days.

@Mayana I only pasted the link, so people can follow it. But I listen to music using that.

@Mayana I use youtube-local
It's a browser-based client for watching Youtube anonymously without javascript. And with Tor installed, all requests are routed through Tor, except for the video file at

@m4iler He will just scrub under the rug. He won't acknowledge it.

The U.S. military released a video allegedly showing Iran's Revolutionary Guard removing an unexploded mine from one of the oil tankers that was attacked this week in the Gulf of Oman.

google is a domestic terrorist organization
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