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More than 20,000 Linksys routers are routinely leaking historic records of every device that has connected to them — records that include unique identifiers and operating system details, according to security researcher Troy Mursch.

Protonmail has developed an open source implementation of OpenPGP in the Go programming language.

Google has a phishing quiz, it's pretty nice for seeing just how annoyingly proper phishing attempts can be these days:

Provérbio Polular: "Mais vale um velho conhecido que um novo por conhecer." - Costa Rica

Provérbio Popular: "Uma andorinha não faz verão." - Costa Rica

Provérbio Popular: "Aquele que dorme não apanha peixe." - Costa Rica

Provérbio Polular: "Aquele que faz as perguntas não pode evitar as respostas." - Camões

reminder: Don't forget to update your thinkpads to Linux-5.1.2 because of all those exploits.

[Librem Chat] is a total, privacy-respecting replacement for all those intrusive chat services. One you can either use to have a friendly, one-on-one conversation with your best friend, or to call large groups of people.

A federal grand jury indicted 10 members of a cybercrime network for malicious software attacks that caused financial losses exceeding $100 million.

"I'm all for free speech but"
Let me stop you right there.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml