[Librem Chat] is a total, privacy-respecting replacement for all those intrusive chat services. One you can either use to have a friendly, one-on-one conversation with your best friend, or to call large groups of people. #libremone
@david On the content side, I was hoping on a more educational post.
Like, what is going on in the screenshots, and why does it matter?
How to get started?
When will encryption for 1:1 chats be enabled automatically?
Something like that coming?
@danielst Thanks for the feedback!
We go into more detail in https://docs.puri.sm/Librem_One.html and will be surfacing these docs soon.
Encryption-by-default is in the pipeline, pending implementation by the #matrix crew. (See their issue list.)
@david but group calls is yet future right? You have more info on that? I just did a voice and video stream with Joshua and it worked great :) He is in the US and I in Denmark.
@darkijah I hope it was the first of many secure calls! No more info... yet ๐
@david "Free โ we donโt think thereโs much need to explain this one"
Well... isn't that exactly that word that's so often misunderstood? ๐
(And also led to some unfair criticism?)
I'd rather have it say:
Free - as in freedom, _plus_ free as in beer. You may sign up for free, and later upgrade to the full bundle with even more possibilities.