purism - The Librem Mini is the fastest, smallest and lightest Librem https://puri.sm/products/librem-mini/
• 8th-gen quad‑core i7 processor
• up to 64 GB of fast DDR4 memory
• 4K@60Hz HDMI 2.0 and Display Port
• 5 x 5 x 1.5 inches
• 2.2 pounds
The Librem Mini is the fastest, smallest and lightest Librem https://puri.sm/products/librem-mini/
• 8th-gen quad‑core i7 processor
• up to 64 GB of fast DDR4 memory
• 4K@60Hz HDMI 2.0 and Display Port
• 5 x 5 x 1.5 inches
• 2.2 pounds
Creativity is the recombination of familiar things in an unfamiliar way.
Think beyond conventional boundaries and categories, loosen up associations and make remote connections between and within categories.
It usually works best when you're having fun doing it, which is why we often tend to misinterpret creative processes as goofing around aimlessly.
BBC News: Congress passes huge financial stimulus package
BBC News - Congress passes huge financial stimulus package
$2 Trillion
Thats Kaynes on steroids 😎
Like Arnold says "Listen to the experts, ignore the morons (foreheads)" 😂
I have a question for the people owning a #pinephone.
I really like the concept of the #pinephone and i can order one today.
Do you think it will be updated/polished enough to eventually be used as a daily driver? I really don't want to get it and not be able to use it daily as i think that it would not be ecological for met to get it for a short time use object.
What are your opinions?
Hoffentlich wird Hamburg heute afd frei
A very good reason for not using any #guest #wifi in future
#wlan #offeneswlan
#Surveillance #capitalism
Fitness: Laufen ist Kopfsache - Mehr als ein Drittel der Deutschen gibt die Neujahrsvorsätze schon nach drei Monaten auf. Warum ein Lächeln helfen könnte. Ein Motivationsvideo https://www.zeit.de/video/2019-03/6014036320001/fitness-laufen-ist-kopfsache #Sport