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The Road Warrior: Librem 14

Ultra-portable workstation laptop that was designed chip-by-chip, line-by-line, to respect your rights to , , and .

Currently $200 off!

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Nobody seems to enjoy documenting their tools, but it seems that people also really hate when production lines are stopped due to a change in an undocumented system breaking their end of line test.

If only there was a way to avoid such work stoppages...

Yarn progress. May only have a week or two left before I finish spinning this single. Plying should not take very long afterwards.

Finished my self-defined let’s go ahead and write yet another implementation of “tail” in project today. It’s about 100 lines of code, and I built it as a library with a “reasonably sane” default implementation in an accompanying binary. Need to write some tests and documentation and then perhaps I will actually release the thing on

Haven’t made it as far in my Rust adventures as I would have liked today, but I didn’t get totally stumped. For every project I start I probably complete four projects, but this is most likely because I’ve been messing with Python for decades and only recently started to dabble in Rust.

Last day on quarantine. Suppose I'll work on some programming with the hopes of gaining better proficiency. I'd like to get my Rust to where my Python is so I can rapidly develop solutions with either language based on my needs.

First time spinning dyed wool, and first time spinning in The Netherlands. What else am I to do on quarantine?

Customers are asking us about the recent GRUB2 vulnerability so I wrote a quick post explaining how it works and why @purism hardware isn't affected. For even more details, check out Dan Goodin's excellent Ars Technica article I link in my post.

Only 9 days left to get $300 off the all-new Librem 14!

- Core i7-10710U (Comet Lake) Processor, 6 cores & 12 threads
- Up to 64GB DDR4 memory
- Output 4K Video to two displays

Perhaps on my upcoming flight back to The Netherlands I’ll have a chance to really outline the recent work I’ve done to extend a service portal’s RBAC to OpenSSH certificates that tighten down console access in thousands of embedded systems across my network.

“But safety is only one attraction of in-cabin monitoring. The systems also hold huge potential for harvesting the kind of behavioral data that Google, Facebook, and other surveillance capitalists have exploited to target ads and influence purchasing habits.”

Happy birthday to me, I pre-ordered the Librem 14 to serve as my next machine.

Finished my small workbench. No nails or screws, just joinery. Legs are glued into the feet, but the rest is just friction fit for now. It ain’t perfect but it’ll do. Learned a lot in the process too.

If the “solution” to the problem is to disable certificate validation, the problem is much deeper than your TLS failures.

At SEATAC waiting to return home. There’s an observable demographic trend for those either outright not wearing masks, or wearing them in such a way as to be exactly as useful as not wearing one at all.

Got outside and did some more work with my hands. It’s hotter than hell, and electing to work with hand tools only made it harder but more satisfying. I’ll finish this bench tomorrow most likely.

Got my SpinOlution Pollywog spinning wheel today and immediately got started with some merino top I got as a sample in a larger order. Spun a single and then plied it back on itself. Will ply the two spools of singles I did on my EEW Nano next.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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