@kyle very nearly every piece of ubiquitous technology was either created or modified for increasing the efficiency with which war is waged.
@kyle nice. Love me some seafood.
@kyle what did you have? Eating inside!!! A distant memory.
Guest Blogger @ajmartinez has written up a great technical guide on how to use Qubes's advanced isolation features on his Librem 14 to manage and store GPG keys securely on a pair of Librem Keys. https://puri.sm/posts/guest-post-librem-14-librem-keys-and-qubes-os/
My notes on extending the Qubes OS Split GPG feature to include SSH Agent support:
Now my network-attached qubes no longer have any private keys on disk, and since my subkeys are also loaded on both of my Librem Keys as mentioned in an earlier post, I can still access my remote systems as long as I have one of my physical tokens.
@randynose @kyle many likely are still waiting for the year of LoTD to arrive though some of us have been doing it for more than a decade. The set of things released and then killed by Google is impressive. Only time will tell if Fuschia makes it on that list.
As promised yesterday, here's a walkthrough on using Qubes OS disposable VMs, opensc, hybrid encryption, and USB security tokens (Librem Key) on my Librem 14 to create redundant hardware tokens from the encrypted backup of my GPG keyring:
None of this is groundbreaking, but these steps do not seem to exist in any one document that I could find so I wrote one.
@kyle that was kind of my feeling as well. This isn’t the first new thing that will change everything and replace Linux that we’ve seen come and go.
@kyle or will Fuschia find its way into the Google graveyard quickly? I often wonder how these things really impact those of us for whom the early 2000s really did contain “the year of LoTD”. Any thoughts on what it is we regular users of Linux stand to lose in a world where Fuschia is on a homerolled microkernel?
Another week with the @purism Librem 14 and I’m quite pleased.
@kyle hard pass for me.
@ouzougagh thanks!
@ouzougagh great thanks for the info! What resolution/refresh are you able to run through it?
@nick thanks for looking into it for me, appreciate the help. The dock isn’t a must as I have a USB-C to DP cable already, and could just plug the rest in to normal ports already on my new machine. It would be nice to just have one thing to plug in/out though. It looks like there’s potentially a massive Dell universal dock that could work.
@nick could well be! Do you know if it will drive 4K at 60Hz over HDMI.
@kyle very cool, looks like AC charging only but with planning that’s not a problem really. Looks like a solid kit!
I like to work with my hands. That may mean hammering out solutions to complex problems in #Python or #Rust, building things in my shop, or spinning yarn to knit something warm. You’ll likely see some of all of that here. By day (and sometimes night) I keep >13k nodes and services alive in the Electric Vehicle sector.
PGP: FCBF 31FD B34C 8555 027A D1AF 0AD2 E852 9F5D 85E1