Some progress to handle notches / cutouts of #linuxmobile phones better in #phosh : I have a small lib that gets panel cutout / notch information as #svg paths and can calculate a bounding box . #phoc can use it to render cutouts for debugging and #phosh can use it for layout (so far only to shift the panel down). (see follow up posts for more pictures).
1️⃣ /4️⃣
MRs are linked here:
Next steps (after cleaning up a bit and getting it merged) is allowing phosh to make better use of that information (e.g. to shift ui elements to the side instead of down) and providing the information to wayland clients so e.g. video players can make use of it in fullscreen mode.
4️⃣ /4️⃣
@agx awesome! will use my dumb patch until this happens, thanks!
@agx awesome! will use my dumb patch until this happens, thanks!
@agx awesome! will use my dumb patch until this happens, thanks!
@agx awesome! will use my dumb patch until this happens, thanks!
@agx looks good
@agx Amazing