I often use the same key combos in the terminal so I added a (configurable) shortcut bar on top of #phosh osk-stub's (pretty basic) terminal layout. Let' see how this works out.
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@craftyguy we do character popover already: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/raw/main/screenshots/pos-de.png . Combine that with the space-bar-press swipe cursor navigation we also already have and you're already almost there. Having a nice widget for it is the harder part but I'd be happy to see patches for that.
@craftyguy I'm aware it's not a popup. What I described is how you combine what's in phosh-osk-stub *codewise* to get to what you described.
@agx yeah I've seen the popover stuff, but what this "unexpected keyboard" thing does is... a bit different than being just a popover. Nothing pops up when you "select" an alternative key for a keycap.