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Quote tweets, meta, accountability 

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Quote tweets, meta, accountability 

Jules boosted

A coffee mug left behind in the abandoned Homer Research Labs, a top-secret facility that tested Bethlehem Steel's metal

#art #industry #abandoned #photography

Jules boosted

I've just published my first ever blog: "The Tragedy of the Non-Commons"

I wrote it in July, frustrated by a Twitter thread about how the Tragedy of the #Commons continues to be taught at universities. I then left it (it's somewhat experiemental) but with #COP27 and #Twittermigration coinciding this week, I just wanted it to be out there. Would love for it to be shared here on our #digitalcommons and grateful for any comments

Jules boosted

December 12.
Why snow is white

Bavarian folktale. In the beginning snow didn't have color. The Creator told snow to go and borrow any color it'd like. Snow went around asking all the flowers - roses, violets, tulips - but none would share their color.

In the end a small, shy flower offered to share her white color. Ever since, snow has been white, and it doesn't bother snowdrops at all.

#GentleFolktales #folktales #folklore #AdventCalendar #storytelling #winter

@a Hello, I'm interested in migrating over to at some point when you have capacity and if you want me. I studied entomology and currently work in scientific admin, and I do post a lot of plants and insects in summer but it's currently -3 here so it mostly seems to be political and tech rants at the moment. Thank you!

UK cost of living crisis 

Jules boosted

"Lensa’s fetish for Asian women is so strong that I got female nudes and sexualized poses even when I directed the app to generate avatars of me as a male."

Brilliant story from Melissa Heikkilä at Technology Review about how portrait-making AI Lensa -- which uses stable diffusion -- created sexualized drawings when prompted with photos of the author, who is an Asian woman.

Jules boosted

“You can find us anywhere you get your podcasts.”

I *adore* this phrase, because it has been like two whole-ass decades and not one single venture capital darling has managed to unseat plain RSS as the distribution method for podcasts. Not one. (And they have really tried!)

Podcasts are just out there, like air. You don’t go to one place to get them; you get them from everywhere and anywhere. You can choose how you want to engage with them and manage them and it is legitimately heartwarming that nothing has ever gotten in the way of that being a fundamental fact.

This is the best of what the web is. It will never have a stock ticker or even a marketing scheme. Most people don’t even know it is there. But it endures (past the many, many attempts by squillionaire corporates to kill it) because of its absolute unshakable utility.

My suggestion: any time you hear “anywhere you get your podcasts”, send a little thanks to RSS for keeping the real web alive.

#RSS #Podcasts #ProtocolsNotProducts

Jules boosted

Folks, I'm an editor at #Conservation Biology and we are actively soliciting research papers that focus on "Diversifying Conservation" We want to create a special issue highlighting research from diverse voices, research that highlights #diversity (broadly defined) in conservation, and submissions that may be centered in non-western epistemologies. Abstracts due mid Feb, with research papers at the end of March. Hit me up for more details

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

I'm happy to announce we have this new article in Nature, discussing policies and challenges for a just transition. "Degrowth can work - here's how science can help":

@pezmico As I say my reaction seems to have been pretty unusual, but I still wouldn't want to take the risk of doing that to another child

@pezmico colluding to deceive me for reasons I couldn't understand. I'd have far preferred it if they' just said Santa was a story but a fun one from the outset

@pezmico I didn't know how to articulate it at the time, but what I'd have wanted was an explanation of why they'd done it ("We pretend Santa exists because it's a fun story to tell" or something). They saw I was upset and were trying to reassure me that I'd still get presents, but i was too young to be able to explain why I was really upset and that it wasn't about the presents, that I'd suddenly discovered that the entire adult world was untrustworthy and had apparently all been

@pezmico else that they said to me now. As I say I've never met anyone else who felt the same, and obviously if everyone had found the whole thing so scary as a child no one would still do it, but seeing my brother tell my nieces about Santa still makes me very uncomfortable and worried that he's setting them up for the same thing

@pezmico I was quite a weird, literal child, and having spoken to my friends my experience was by no means universal, but the amount of enjoyment I may have had from the Santa story was far, far outweighed by how upset and scared I was when I found out all the adults in my life had been conspiring to lie to me about something that at that age felt very important. I couldn't understand why they'd made this story up and convinced me it was true and I was terrified I couldn't trust anything

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