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Jules boosted

Musk doing the fake pronouns thing to mock trans people and siding with anti-vaxxers in the same tweet is incredibly disturbing. The people ignoring this because they think he's a genius even more so.

Jules boosted

Neuromancer 2022

The collapse of a startup leaves implanted medical devices in > 700 people

The unavailability of the proprietary SW needed to recalibrate the devices and maintain its effectiveness, and the draining of batteries, will leave them without treatment and with HW implanted in their bodies

They have to hack their own implants

And it is not an isolated case but a trend

Jules boosted

If your belief is that a bunch of kids should stop biking and scooting so you can drive over 40 mph on a city street, you are definitely the asshole.

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Jules boosted

Leaving twitter; harassment of public health officials 

Jules boosted

This is my favorite pic from a visit to the Bata Shoe Museum in #Toronto. It's a clog from Auvergne, France, that was used to remove the spiny burr from chestnuts. #Fagacea #botany #shoes #fashion

Jules boosted

@dhoe There's a lot to #solarpunk that isn't expressed in the AI generated imagery (much of which does just depict greenwashing) that are often associated with the concept.

Walkable cities are solarpunk, so is the #RightToRepair movement, repair cafes, composting food waste, planting native wildflowers on underutilized land, & even public libraries.

Pretty much any sustainable practice carried out equitably can be solarpunk, especially if communities are developed/strengthened in the process!

Jules boosted

330 million year old perfection - a wee crinoid ossicle that beautifully highlights their five-fold (pentaradial) symmetry. There’s also a tiny fragment of bryozoan in the bottom right 🖤
#ScottishFossils #ScottishGeology #Palaeontology

Jules boosted

@dhoe @gus @SolarpunkPrompts if you want another perspective, Solarpunk is another dramatical lens to look through:

In superhero movies, tech is always an artifact, to be used as a weapon.

In cyberpunk, tech is a means of control or rebellion. Nothing in-between. You cannot imagine Wikipedia.

In Solarpunk tech is empowering communities, its infrastructure.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Tiny dots on an endless timeline.. some wee carboniferous crinoids for #FossilFriday 🖤

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

I keep seeing people say Mastodon is nothing like Twitter. And they’re right.

Mastodon is an echo of the old internet, it’s decentralised, chaotic. What you get depends on your sysadmin. You can’t search, everything has to be shared to you by a human. Networks split apart and rejoin. What you see is your unique connection to it.

Is this good? Maybe. But for me that’s the internet I grew up with. No algorithms, no targeted adverts, just human interaction, and it was glorious.

Jules boosted

In 1974, a sovereign Kanien’kehà:ka (Mohawk) community was declared at an abandoned girl scout camp in the Adirondacks. After a tense 3-year stand off, New York State agreed to an unprecedented 600-acre land swap. To this day, Ganienkeh maintains its sovereignty. It isn't a reservation doesn't seek US recognition. It's one of the greatest #LandBack successes in recent history, and yet is also largely forgotten by settlers even locally.

Jules boosted

In #JapaneseFolklore iwana bozu are char (a type of river fish) who grow to an enormous size and transform into #yokai. They're able to shapeshift into human form, dress in Buddhist priest's robes, walk and talk. Mostly they approach people who are fishing in rivers to ask them to stop, and to avoid needless killing and to take only what they need. Most people think they're priests and don't consider the possibility of them being yokai until after they've left.
#folklore #japodon
🎨Matthew Meyer

Jules boosted

Fellow librarians -- please pass around word about - a Mastodon instance set up for public library workers to share ideas, inspirations, questions, announcements and the like. If you're looking for a new home to move to after landing at -- that might be your new home.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

“You're comprised of 84 minerals, 23 Elements & 8galls of water spread over 38 trillion cells.

You're built from nothing by the spare parts of the Earth you've consumed according to a set of instructions hidden in a double helix, small enough to be carried by a sperm.

You're recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur & shark teeth, broken down to their smallest parts & rebuilt into our planets most complex living thing.

You're not living on Earth, you are Earth.”

- Aubrey Marcus


Jules boosted
Jules boosted

It was completely appropriate and admirable for the former #Twitter management to block and/or not amplify tweets/accounts spouting COVID disinformation or other harmful lies, irrespective of the political affiliations of the senders. The fact that by far most of this disinformation came (and still comes) from right-wing accounts does not indicate a bias against the right, but a healthy bias against disinformation. While the process wasn't perfect, it probably saved many innocent lives.

Jules boosted

This is one of the first times such a 'left' space has broken through into the mainstream in such a way, I think.

The only precedent I can think of with a similar sort of feeling, at least in its early days, is free software and especially Linux, back when its culture was more openly antagonistic to corporate OSes.

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