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Wow! The new Mission Center application on is simply stunning. It is amazing to see such a high quality software on

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

"Your password is not strong enough"
It's ok, password, don't listen to them. You're perfect the way you are.

Adil Arif boosted

OpenAI threatening to leave the EU if they pass legislation requiring them to list their data sources because:
"In addition to the possible business threat, forcing OpenAI to identify its use of copyrighted data would expose the company to potential lawsuits. Generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E are trained using large amounts of data scraped from the web, much of it copyright protected. When companies disclose these data sources it leaves them open to legal challenges."

Like every other boom tech company, it's just doing labor crimes and theft and claiming you're actually too innovative to be regulated, God.

#OpenAI #ArtTheft

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

@Magnifico OpenZFS is an extremely advanced filesystem which offers, among other things:

* Built-in multiple drive and volume support
* Support for arrays larger than "every hard drive on the planet put together*
* Per-block cryptographic data validation hashes
* *Automatic* repair of corrupt data using said hashes
* Inline compression, multiple algorithms supported
* Native encryption
* INSANELY fast replication
* Instantaneous atomic snapshots

And more. These are $1M SAN features, in FOSS.

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

This week marks 18 months since I have been using a #librem5 as a daily driver. The first few months were probably the roughest, but I have not needed to use Android at all in those 18 months.

Today, I actually find it quite useable! It just works as a phone, and I can do everything I used to do on my Android Phone on it.

Adil Arif boosted

13,001,724 accounts
+3,199 in the last hour
+101,499 in the last day
+188,880 in the last week

Adil Arif boosted

Even though people thought would die this weekend with the login wall, it's actually more popular than ever!

The process I use to get information from Twitter still works but has a 40% percent error rate it seems. It's also much higher for accounts followed for the first time. It's very likely that's it's coming from their internal service being flaky and not actual ban enforcement. I'll see over the week if this improves otherwise I'll start figuring workarounds for those cases.

@payarafish Why haven't there been any new posts on your Mastodon account? It seems like the Twitter one has newer information

Adil Arif boosted

Matthias Clasen has written a post on the GTK blog about recent changes in the accessibility implementation of the toolkit, as well as improvements in the tooling planned for the 4.12 release:

#accessibility #gtk #gtk4

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

Instagram blocked the #joinPixelfed hashtag not long ago, and Twitter too.

Don't forget that 😉

Adil Arif boosted

At long long last, RADV finally has ray tracing pipelines enabled by default!!! 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳

The MR just got merged into Mesa main. I also wrote a small blog post about it:

Adil Arif boosted

2022: what if you had to find an alternative to twitter
2023: what if you had to find an alternative to reddit, discord, youtube, every single search engine, and microsoft windows

Adil Arif boosted

We recently hired @tyrylu to work on #Linux desktop #accessibility (mostly #GNOME stack) and coordinate our renewed efforts in this area.

He just joined #Fediverse. If you care about Linux desktop #a11y, make sure you follow him.

Adil Arif boosted
Everything happening with Reddit will happen with GitHub.
Adil Arif boosted

It has been some time since we last published a global product report for the Librem 5 phone. This is not because of slowing down our development effort, it is the opposite. We have been very busy and we have made substantial progress during the last few months.

Adil Arif boosted

A few years ago, JSF (@jakartaee Faces) seemed like a legacy framework. And now I see 2 trustworthy people praising it in the same week. World is turning around :) Or are people fed up with hyped frameworks?

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