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Adil Arif boosted

strange thought:

If I got 1$ per month for every package I maintain for Fedora Linux, that would basically be enough money to live on ...

Popular packages I'm responsible for include:

- the new Sequoia based GPG backend for RPM (present on *every single Fedora 38 install*)
- CLI tools like ripgrep, exa, lsd, bat
- Rust bindings for GLib, GTK3, GTK4, GStreamer, etc. (which are used to build librsvg2, gnome-tour, helvum, etc.)

so ... who wants to adopt some packages? 😁

Adil Arif boosted

10,001,119 accounts
+1,627 in the last hour
+45,914 in the last day
+151,292 in the last week

Adil Arif boosted

Which countries, historically, pumped the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading us to climate breakdown?

Shouldn't these countries pay the most to repair the damage and help everyone shift to to a carbon-free future?

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions

Adil Arif boosted

Mastodon is approaching Ten Million accounts. 10, 000,000!!! Many of these new accounts will not have any idea what Mastodon and the Fediverse is about. Please share with any #newbie #new people you come across, the answers they are seeking about Mastodon, the Fediverse and Everything (almost) all in one place:

Adil Arif boosted

I have to remember that, because #Mastodon doesn't have #algorithm curated feeds, I have to #boost / reblog interesting people more often. Liking their posts doesn't make them more visible.

Also, if you want to find new people, I use the #Welcome hashtag whenever I say hi to a new person who posted an #Introduction. I try to greet interesting people pretty frequently.

Love y'all! Keep being kind! 💜

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

Is it me or does Mastodon seem to skew older? How old are you?

Adil Arif boosted

2 types of people, those who can hear this image, and those who can't.

Adil Arif boosted

Awesome #java / #jvm savvy accounts to follow:

👋🏼 Holger Voormann - @howlger
👋🏼 Jendrik Johannes - @jendrik
👋🏼 Cédric Champeau - @melix
👋🏼 Antón Rodríguez - @antonmry
👋🏼 Lukas Eder - @lukaseder

More updates like this? Follow me or #JavaBubbleOrgAccountsRefresher

Source: #javabubble (
Botdev: @moelholm

Adil Arif boosted


Climate activists are blocking the Harrods Aviation private terminal at Luton Airport near London.

The greed of the extreme rich will not go unchallenged in the face of a climate emergency.


Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

Forward thinking and designed for real life with an improved sideloading and alt store experience, power profiles management, and using a next generation UI toolkit. OS 7 Helps you get the apps you need, Empowers you with new features and settings, and evolves our developer platform. Download it now for a pay-what-you-can price!

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

Who knew you needed to see a red panda eating grapes tonight, but there it is. 🥴🥰😍

Adil Arif boosted

Man, with 293 @pop_os_official has a big lead in our Best Distro, way ahead of second place Fedora with 125 votes. Third place @ubuntu is almost out of the running with 82 votes. Distros need to get their users voting. I'm talking to you @linuxmint , @debian , @manjarolinux , @MXLinux , @opensuse , @elementary , and @EndeavourOS . Boost this toot to get the word out, and vote here:

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

I never knew how to put it into words. There was something powerful distilled in places that spent decades alone, silently deteriorating, that made me feel I could almost make out through the shimmering mirage of the waking world. I was watching these places go somewhere, become something, but it wasn't time yet for me to see it. It ached to be so close to something I could never define.

Adil Arif boosted
Here is DEATH STRANDING DC running with HDR on Linux!

It's hard to show off HDR... so have a HDR Heatmap to go along with it!
Anything not greyscale is brighter than 100 nits. 🌞🐸
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