@leetaur What a great review and an easy read
Speaking of which, hot new robots.txt entry just dropped:
User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /
@josh JavaFX rocks 🧑🎤️!
@cassidy 🤩️
@cassidy Yeah, I can see how brand recognition and sheer financial strength can help make big inroads into a market. Hopefully as Endless Foundation wins more school districts, their reputation will grow leading to a positive feedback loop.
@cassidy More specifically EndlessOS not necessarily the key.
@cassidy There is real value proposition to Endless in the marketplace. Hmm, I wonder why adoption isn't growing faster?
@karolherbst You are truly what legends are made of ✨️ . Thank you!
This is a day that will be long remembered 📚️. Once NVK matures, so many people's first impressions of Linux will dramatically improve.
Words cannot express how huge of an event this is. Thank you for making a massive difference. 🎖️
@allanday By far the best GNOME Design State of the Union talk in recent years 🤩️. Thank you!
@myfear JEP 444 is so incredibly exciting.It is great to see these multi-year mega projects like Loom is starting to land.
Microsoft cloud security blasted for its “culture of toxic obfuscation”
Azure looks like a house of cards collapsing due to exploits and vulnerabilities.
@mairin@fosstodon.org @mattdm Any sort of new hiring efforts around Fedora is amazing news. 🎊️
@rmader @collabora Ah, I understand. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain!
@frankel I never heard of Apache APISIX before, this article was really helpful. Thank you!
@rmader @jadahl This is wonderful news! I have been watching this MR for many months 🤩️.
I always did have one question in my head while watching this MR. If Collabora is heavily invested in Weston as its preferred Wayland Compositor for embedded linux usecases, why were they ok with you using work hours for adding a feature to Mutter?