♲ @gael_duval@twitter.com: It's a fully ungoogled OS and online services.
Yet it can run most #Android Android apps.
It's available on 4 different smartphone models, premium grade refurbished.
--> and public orders are now available 😀
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pbs.twimg.com/media/EBCNPskXkA… e.foundation/e-pre-installed-r…
I lost my faith in Signal after reading the fediverse's own @sir 's blog post on it: https://drewdevault.com/2018/08/08/Signal.html
The Purism Librem 5 hardware specs are available now. https://pocketnow.com/the-librem-5s-hardware-specs-pre-orders
Waking up from a bad dream earlier today, it occurred to me that we think it's good practice to have firewalls that restrict communications between computers, but at the same time we still think it's an excellent idea to promote and facilitate unrestricted communication between humans - regardless of their respective intents and interests.
A secure messenger should guarantee that no one but you and your intended recipients can read or analyze your messages. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/07/dont-let-encrypted-messaging-become-hollow-promise
Apple contractors 'regularly hear confidential details' on Siri recordings | Technology | The Guardian
Because why would Apple be any different?
This is getting out of hand. https://pocketnow.com/axs-spyware-concert
"Recently, tech companies have come to a troubling consensus: that they can change your computer, remotely (and often silently) without your knowledge or permission."
How to fix your phone’s shitty portrait mode https://pocketnow.com/how-to-fix-your-phones-shitty-portrait-mode
If you want to test our software before you install it, check out our free online demo.
Browse the demo to see what our software can do for you! We think it will convince you to become a full-time user. 😉
Consent Matters: When Tech Shares Your Secrets Without Your Permission
I wrote a piece on the @purism blog on why consent is critical for #privacy, the tech industry's failure to get consent, and as a result how "Privacy has become the tattoo removal of the information age". https://puri.sm/posts/consent-matters-when-tech-shares-your-secrets-without-your-permission/
“@DuckDuckGo is a poster child for a future in which companies stand with their users and still make money...They counter the assumption that we’ve all been socialized to accept: that it is normal to hand over all your information." - EFF's @jenuhhveev https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/15/technology/duckduckgo-private-search.html
The #Zoom vulnerability timeline took from from "everybody raves about this and I wish my company used it" to "I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole" in about 5 seconds.
Jitsi Meet doesn't have any of these Zoom security issues, right?
Designer & web developer since the mid 1990's starting on the DEC intranet. User experience consultant since 1998. Photographer since 1995. Tech journalist since 2002.
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