I've discovered the Baywatch channel on Plex; a show that deals with lost dogs, homelessness, autistic children, shoplifters, trying to find an apartment, fundraising, learning CPR to save lives, etc. Kind of a refreshing break from multiverse, space cowboy, superhero, serial killer TV shows we have today. watch.plex.tv/live-tv/channel/

@kurtsh Mac OS versions never change? That checks out. :)

@textfiles The heated swimming pool and bar on the rooftop is really awesome too. It's kind of awesome to relax in the infinity pool with jet airplanes flying all around you!

WooHoo! I got this awesome FormSpammerTrap code (formspammertrap.com/) to work with PHPMailer's (github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer) SMTP sender!

Adam boosted
get yourself a girl who deletes tracking parameters from URLs she shares you
Adam boosted

TIL how to disable CSS on firefox:

press alt
choose view
page style > no style

@shawnwildermuth Ah, cool. Maybe I'll look into that too. The real issue is I want to integrate with this awesome form code: formspammertrap.com/howitworks Which only works with the Mail() function by default.

@shawnwildermuth It was easier when the built-in server worked. I guess SendGrid has their own library, huh? With PHPMailer I can connect it to any SMTP account set up with TLS, DMARC, and all that. I can already include IP & timestamps in the emails I get, so I don't know how much more tracking I need.

Bleh! My website hosting provider decided not to allow local server email sending anymore! Hello learning PHPMailer so I can authenticate with an external SMTP server!!

Adam boosted

You don't need to use link shorteners on Mastodon!

All links on Mastodon count as 23 characters towards your post limit, no matter how long the links actually are.

Link shortener services like bit.ly, t.co etc track users who click on their links, so Mastodon removed any practical need to use them. If you still use link shorteners on Mastodon, it will be obvious to everyone that you are just doing it for tracking purposes.

More info at fedi.tips/you-dont-need-link-s

Adam boosted

Hey #fediverse Hive Mind: ❓

If you had to recommend a set of #hashtags to follow for brand new users, not knowing their particular issue set they cared about, what general, noise-free, but active hashtags would you suggest? Here is a thread of mine, please add in comments:

(HT top @feditips for some of these)

🧵 1 of X

#Introduction & #Introductions - New people on here, say hello

#Befound - lists of other lists of Fedi users

@jhpot Nice! I assume no Exchange/Office365 support either without turning on IMAP.

@rysiek Yes, of course. I was just trying to think of a way around it.

@rysiek Would blocking Google & other search engines from crawling your admin log-in URLs mitigate that issue? Or put a file system password on it?

Adam boosted

Dolly 2.0 is a really big deal: databricks.com/blog/2023/04/12

"The first open source, instruction-following LLM, fine-tuned on a human-generated instruction dataset licensed for research and commercial use"

My notes so far on trying to run it: til.simonwillison.net/llms/dol

2005?! Pretty sure we were talking about Web 2.0 in the late 90's like all the time.

Adam boosted

That "take me down to the Parallax City where the far moves slow and the near moves quickly" tweet by an unknown author should be in a museum.

Adam boosted
All software eventually becomes open source. If it doesn't, it either fades into obscurity or an open-source lookalike replaces it. Take web browsers, for example. Google develops Chromium (which also powers Brave, Opera, and now even Microsoft Edge) because they realize that this gives them influence over their competition. Because they understand that everything eventually becomes open source.

If a piece of software is a good enough idea, someone will eventually, in their spare time, create an open source version of it. It could be simply out of interest, to learn, or because they want to gain influence. Take Mastodon vs Twitter for example. Mastodon was created by a young man in his free time, and it's now in the ring with a $42bn company. It was able to do this specifically because it's open source, which stoked the enthusiasm of other technologists who self-hosted and made it happen. You will see how "Post News" and "Tribel" or whatever, have quickly burned up in the sun in the aftermath of Elon Musk's yesterday drama.

Everything eventually becomes open source because it can be. The reason people climb mountains is because they can. If you want to play the short game in an already flooded market, you are free to take your chances and build a secret project in a secret lair that nobody will ever find out about. Or you can start playing the long game from the very start and just build it open source. It would be a missed opportunity not to.
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