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Adam boosted

The #Signal messenger has become very problematic lately, and most of its problems come from it being centralised.

You may want to follow and support a decentralised messenger project instead, there are many of them on the Fediverse:

➡️ @snikket_im - New initiative giving XMPP servers & clients a newbie-friendly unified look and feel

➡️ @xmpp - The XMPP standards foundation

➡️ @matrix - Matrix is best known for its Element client

➡️ @delta - Messaging through email

➡️ @briar - P2P messaging

@Jessica type Ctrl + until it fills your screen. :)

@stux How about "Meatspace" vs. "Cyberspace"?

Adam boosted
Adam boosted

> Here are a few examples of things you can’t really do well in a web application:
* Create a fast drawing program
* Build a real-time spell checker with wavy red underlines
* Warn users that they are going to lose their work if they hit the close box of the browser
* Update a small part of the display …without a full roundtrip to the server
* Create a fast keyboard-driven interface that doesn’t require the mouse
* Let people continue working when they are not connected to the Internet


Adam boosted

#2422 Vaccine Ordering 

Adam boosted

Penpot is out! Your new Open Source design and prototyping platform.

Try it now! #DesignFreedom 🎨 🎉

@chrichri I usually use the SMS email gateways that practically every phone carrier has.

@agx @okennedy I don't think you need fancy animations or ambiguous graphics at all. Just be flat out completely honest with the user: "I'm loading Firefox right now." That will make it very obvious and obvious is best:

@okennedy @agx Yes, I totally apologize for the disparaging tone!! The intention of being helpful was my goal as I would like to see Linux on smartphones succeed and I believe the best way to do that is with extremely user-friendly design, since I don't think Linux will be able to afford Apple level marketing.

@okennedy @agx Yes, that's one step up from "not responding" or frozen. Which is the best user experience of the following:

- Your spouse leaves without saying anything to you?
- Your spouse puts a orange circular icon on the door and then leaves?
- Your spouse says, "I'm going out to get milk" and then leaves?
- Your spouse says, "I'm going out to get milk and I'll be back in 20 minutes.", leaves, and comes back in 20 minutes?

@zbrown But, I as a user, know what's going on... and that's the important thing.

@zbrown I see informative loading screens when launching programs in Windows every day. Photoshop goes through the whole list of "initializing" or "loading" every piece that it needs before the program is available.

@zbrown Yeah, I don't know anything about the back-end side so that's a shame Phosh is so limited. But from the UX perspective... Which is the best user experience of the following:

- Your spouse leaves without saying anything to you?
- Your spouse puts a orange circular icon on the door and then leaves?
- Your spouse says, "I'm going out to get milk" and then leaves?
- Your spouse says, "I'm going out to get milk and I'll be back in 20 minutes.", leaves, and comes back in 20 minutes?

@zbrown Anything is better than nothing (which is how it is now). Communicating how long something will take can be done by plain text, a progress bar animation, or progressive loading. Even if the splash screen says "Loading" in plain text, that communicates more of what's going on to the user than a static app icon or throbber does.

@agx @agx Splash screens aren't very useful as they don't communicate anything to the user other than "something happened". We realized this is bad UX in web design decades ago. If it can't be instant, tell the user how long it will take.

Adam boosted

How safe it is to use Delta Chat? Nothing has changed about our stance to user data: we don't have it, not even encrypted, and also no traffic data. Nada. Nothing. Nilch. You insist? Please refer to any of the hundreds of thousands of e-mail servers. Cheers to decentralization :)

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