🇬🇧Had fun with games over the holidays? Help ensure that manufacturers can no longer simply switch off your favourite game in future! Only 400,000 of 1 million signatures have been collected...
Sign: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/?lg=en
#Pirates call for signature: https://european-pirateparty.eu/european-pirates-endorse-citizens-initiative/
Trochę populizmu i szejmingu nie zaszkodzi - pomyślała węgierska prezydencja i zastosowała tę myśl do tematu kontroli czatów #ChatControl. A oberwie się też Polsce, która jest tym razem w chlubnej mniejszości sprzeciwiającej się kontroli czatów.
Szczegóły na profilu @ella z biura @edri o tu:
Będzie jawniej w wynagrodzeniach? Jest taka szansa i można zabrać głos w tej sprawie. O trwających konsultacjach pisze Marzena Błaszczyk na stronie: https://siecobywatelska.pl/jawnosc-wynagrodzen-trwaja-konsultacje-projektu-ustawy/
Oświadczenie CERT Polska na temat usuwania przez Facebooka artykułu o oszustwach na Facebooku. Podawajcie dalej, bo ten skandal trzeba nagłośnić.
@panoptykon @didleth my korzystamy z BigBlueButton. Otwarte i można samohostować. Specjalnie pod webinary przygotowane, można wrzucić slajdy za wczasu, rysować po nich, itp. Ludzie widzą slajdy bez kompresji video
When you mandate infrastructure to monitor content, at some point it will be abused.
"For months or longer, the hackers might have held access to network infrastructure used to cooperate with lawful U.S. requests for communications data, according to people familiar with the matter, which amounts to a major national security risk."
Don't regulate #ChatControl
Exclusive | U.S. Wiretap Systems Targeted in China-Linked Hack - WSJ
EU member states can now collect and share information on so-called “potential terrorists”.
But who is classified as a "potential terrorist?
A "shared understanding" was reached this year without democratic scrutiny. This left broad criteria for deciding who is a "potential terrorist or violent extremist threat".
The definition includes individuals categorised as:
• refugees and asylum seekers
• climate and environmental activists
🇬🇧Leak on latest #ChatControl attempt (in German): https://netzpolitik.org/2024/interne-dokumente-sperrminoritaet-gegen-chatkontrolle-wackelt/ +++ Only AUT, DEU, EST, LUX, POL, SVN were critical – no blocking minority! +++ BEL, CZE, FIN, ITA, NLD, PRT, SWE undecided +++ EU legal experts confirm violation of our fundamental rights +++ Only 5 days to next discussion +++
Help pressure our governments into defending our #privacy of correspondence and secure #encryption now: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
EU citizens, take action to help keep Free Software funded!
🇬🇧🚨#ChatControl is back on the agenda: As soon as next Wednesday representatives of EU governments will resume work based on a secret document. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/documents-publications/public-register/public-register-search/?DocumentNumber=12319%2F24
This is what you can do now to help: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
If you're an EU citizen and you hate DRM and planned obsolescence, here's an easy petition for you to sign:
TL;DR: If online-only DRM servers shut down, publishers would be required to keep your game working regardless.
Only targets video games because that is where this practice is by far the most prevalent today, but it would set a precedent that we might soon need for things like phones, cars, and all the other things that are increasingly getting CPUs shoved inside them.
1 year to reach 1 million signatures.
A critique of Cara.app: the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
blog post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1032/a-critique-of-caraapp-the-no-ai-instagram-and-artstation-copycat-child
What are the responsibilities and liabilities of #FreeSoftware developers?
🚨 A potential threat to Free Software developers looms in the form of an ongoing lawsuit in the UK involving Bitcoin and its core developers.
This is a great series from our friends at @eff on the current state of news media and how big tech has contributed to creating the current landscape dominated by an "oligarchy of gatekeepers" https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/saving-news-big-tech