They should call the Delta variant the “capitalism working as designed” variant.
#FediverseMetrics #MastodonPolls
To all #Mastodon / #Fediverse users:
On which continent are you?
Sur quel continent êtes-vous ?
Auf welchem Kontinent sind Sie?
¿En qué continente estás?
Em que continente você está?
في أي قارة أنت؟
На каком вы континенте?
In quale continente ti trovi?
Na jakim jesteś kontynencie?
आप किस महाद्वीप पर हैं?
Je! Uko bara gani?
در کدام قاره هستید؟
어느 대륙에 있습니까?
Sur kiu kontinento vi estas?
It has a runny nose. I'm not gonna wash my hands in sink booger
No not really. Election years are always messy, but this one's worse than most
I'm Zack, a free software enthusiast and avid Rustecean. I've lived in five different countries, speek one and two halves languages (the halves don't add up because they are different langauges), and I've visited 21 different countries. I use KDE. I'm also a freshmen at a rich and semi-mismanaged STEM university
Rust evangelism strike force, activate!
Bish bash C is trash
Remember to vote for #rust 😉
If you make it to Vienna you should stop by Beaver's Brewing Company. One of my old teachers owns the restaurant
This doesn't bode well for any legislation that would curb #privacy abuses by marketing firms. If Feds bypass 4th amendment using adtech, regulating that industry could trigger "going dark" claims like w/ e2e encryption.
Freshman at a rich and mismanaged private engineering school. Avid FLOSS fan and Rusteacean, and maintainer of