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Follow requests rant 


Heh, the matrix rooms are hopping with people wanting the answer to when it ships. There are a few informal betting pools, with a lot of people thinking they will start contacting people at midnight (when the price of the phone goes up to $699.)


Depends on how much set up there is to get it to run. They may make you learn how to do it yourself! but otherwise, usually very very cheap - just the cost of materials and small amount for time.

@bazurk Glad I am out of range... sorry, most sorry, insanely grovelingly sorry...

@bazurk You're in the ! You can find *everything* in the Bronx, including -ops. I searched and found two in the Bronx:

That said, FUBAR labs seems the most maker-ish, and it is a bit of a jaunt (Jersey!) Take a look at the nearby places, and/or the map.

Some of NYC public libraries have 3d printers, too. You will need to check if they can work on large enough objects. Some schools have them available on a cost basis, too.

Unintentially crude. 

Yes, I put in my 0.02 monetary units on the @purism announcement of the final specifications:

Totally subjective, and utterly excited.

Amgine boosted

We are proud to unveil the final hardware specifications for the Librem 5 smartphone, set to begin shipping in Q3 of 2019.

@bazurk Thanks. I figure it's better to make sure they hear they are being blocked. A small but steady voice of standing up to intolerance may not cause change, but then again it might.


Perhaps we have different definitions of intolerance, but being linked to threads like Debradelai's non-Gab account on your instance seems to fail the Paradox of Tolerance:

Thus my personal block of the domain


NB: QDAP package for R. Just noticed that.


I have no experiences with any of these, but Wikipedia has an article comparing qualitative data analysis softwares which includes some open licenses:

Many carriers have a user's forum, which is a good place to ask this kind of question.

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If you have pre-ordered a , have you checked with your carrier if it will work on their network?

The unlocked modem frequencies can be checked here: "Will my existing SIM card work? What countries and networks will be supported?"

It would be a good idea to ask your existing carrier if they will be supporting the Librem 5. It is known certain carriers whitelist devices allowed on their network, and this could fix a problem before the phone ships.

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