@fishcharlie Seems like Elon has fired all the backend engineers, so all the new stuff since he is here is just UI changes, including this. Backend stays the same.
But it seems the twitter backend is becoming super flaky, often failing to return results (getting 404, failing to return videos, etc). So I will have to figure out a way to reliably get the info I need, or have graceful degradation when I don't get everything
Now Twitter does not allow users to view tweets without creating an account!
Thanks, though, now I don't even get tempted to look at posts on the bird site.
The change also breaks archival tools, making tweets effectively much less verifiable.
Let's hope these changes wii drive people away from the platform.
It can always get worse.
"JavaScript Gom Jabbar" by Alex Kotliarskyi https://frantic.im/javascript-gom-jabbar/
This one hits a little too close to home.
Also I remember having QT in @IceCubesApp, but not anymore. Did I dream of this or this feature got removed?
Testing QT behavior in apps: in which apps can you see this toot as containing a QT instead of just a link?
Canada: We’re gonna tax Facebook for letting news outlets post links on it
Facebook: Ok, but if you charge us for allowing news links in Canada, we’ll stop allowing news links in Canada
Canada: Nuh-uh
Facebook: Done
Canada: Wait no how could you
From @mmasnick @ Techdirt:
What I’m working to today, 8-bit radiohead: https://youtube.com/watch?v=X1I0_bsjEsY
What an amazing band to be this good in 8bits
Computers are like onions. Everything is layers built on layers, and every layer makes you cry. #sysadmin
Reddit communities on alternative platforms:
Can’t wait for this to come out, the 3 body problem is one of my favorite book series ever https://youtu.be/5lj99Uz1d50
I just wrote a post about what's new with bird.makeup: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84776665
Open source developer. Wikidata, IPFS, Linux, Ethereum. /r/fuckcars enthusiast. I tend to boost funny stuff.