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Let’s keep score shall we….

Genital mutilation:
Penises Snipped: US
Penises Intact: Taliban

Pedophile acceptability:
Flown and settled to a playground near you: US
Hangs pedophiles from Blackhawk helicopter: Taliban

Treatment of Man’s Beat Friend:
Abandons Dogs to die of thirst: US
Shoots Dogs in head for fake pandemic: Australia
Feeds and cares for Dogs: Taliban

Mandatory Face Coverings:
Nagh it’s cool Burka’s are so last century: Taliban

Waifu Pillows:
Snuggled and cum stained: US State Department
Roofed and shot to death: Taliban

Edge: Taliban.
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There is only one thing I want from all of the folks telling us this Vaccine is safe and effective. “I guarantee with my own personal wealth, that there will be no long term health consequences for anyone that takes this Vaccine. If I am wrong I will give all of that wealth up by donating it to a fund for those affected.” And then sign a legal document to be recorded as a binding contract. You get the point, make them say it!

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The fact that you have accepted a bunch of psychopaths holding your lifestyle hostage unless I inject some garbage potion is not my problem. It doesn't obligate me to do squat & gives you exactly as much right to interfere with my life.

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hmmm Why the dems scared of an investigation into the Ukraine again?
"How Obama and Soros Put Actual Nazis in Power in Ukraine"

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1. Focus your Energy
2. Guard your Time
3. Train your Mind
4. Train your Body
5. Think for Yourself
6. Curate your Friends
7. Curate your Environment
8. Keep your Promises
9. Stay Cheerful & Constructive
10. Upgrade the World

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RT @ShcoobyS
Bitcoin is a giant clamp on the testicles of tyrants and totalitarians worldwide. Every sat you stack into cold storage turns the handle 1 degree to the right.

Keep stacking.

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These "Global Economists" don't even know the dif between PEAK and PEEK.

And sheeple put their faith in these fucking imbeciles.

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In 2021, the Taliban was estimated to have 75,000 fighters.

That’s like a small protest these days. We can win this.

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