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The state must mandate that we all wear helmets when walking around outside! A piano might fall on us!

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Dear Men, Please Stop Drinking Beer. It's Making You Effeminate And Infertile

• the more beer a man drinks the more estrogen dominance will affect his biology

• Once puritan Protestant leaders found that the ingredient hops was a known libido reducer, there began.. to enforce that beer only be made with these 3 ingredients

• Hops, on the other hand, have concentrations of phytoestrogens which are 50X more potent than the phytoestrogen known as genistein found in soy

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1. Direct quote from Gaddafi.
2. Video of Gaddafi saying it.
3. Google "fact checks" the quote as FALSE.

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A gorilla marketing idea i just may try out.
Identify QR codes around town. Measure them across. They're square and all QR codes are nearly indistinguishable from eachother.
Print your own QR code to the same size. Then revisit the location and place your code over theirs. Effectively high jacking their advertising.
Point it to wherever you want.
Noagenda. Your site. A shock site. Possibilities are endless!

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Dang, Nicki Minaj figured out how to activate the Cancel Cannon. She just doxed 2 people on Instagram. One who is a DailyMail reporter non stop bugging her and the other is some lady, I dunno.

Check her out on Instagram. It's hilarious hah.

She should link up with Project Veritas

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Yup I'm an asshole. Just got vax carded for breakfast. As I don't have one I decided to order take out for my entire office. $300 worth of take out breakfast. When the order was up I asked to see the cooks vax proof. They didn't want to prove his status to me. So they got to throw out $300 worth of breakfast. Suck it!

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Guerilla marketing tip of the day ::

Find five bills in your pocket and write in sharpie (they always want us to use a sharpie) trump won or fuck biden.

If 10 thousand people did this every day for a week that would be 70000*5 = 350,000 bills in circulation. After 1 month it would be more than a million. It will drive the left crazy.

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Evergrande should fold on Lehman day (tomorrow)

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RT @Rand0mguest2
The great reset is happening. Just not the one the WEF wants #bitcoin

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@verretor Ha! I just got called by my "just get the jab" friend in BC. "Come down man, we are super short staffed". I told him that as long as "papers please" is involved, I'm not going, regardless of pay.

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Make no mistake this will continue to escalate, they are showing all their cards at this point. They’ve taken off the masks. Your only refuge is Bitcoin, empower yourself and defund them in the process.

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