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Not sure if I saw this before, but: an interesting listing of p2p exchanges, including whether they are KYC:


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wow, this is one of the most amazing/useful tools ever made:

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RT @MsHodl
When you guys finally get girlfriends, are you gonna have someone else host them too?

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holy shit

70% of global polio cases came from Gates vaccines.

"A study by Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases Periodical found that Gates’s oral polio vaccine is not only giving kids polio, but also seems to be ineffective in stopping polio transmission. By 2019, WHO conceded that 70% of global polio cases came from Gates vaccines."

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if you're vaccinated and mad about new restrictions. Good, fuck you. I laugh.
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Twitter: "Crypto is killing the planet"
Reality: Crypto is trading as currency in third world countries and even journos are noticing what others have for years.
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spacex just launched a turkish communications satellite into geostationary orbit yesterday from florida. this means the operators had to send the satellite to florida first to be launched; do non-US governments usually send minders/guards with their satellites to monitor them 24/7 from delivery to launch so NSA/CIA can't add firmware goodies?

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If you're not wearing a P100 respirator to protect against #COVID19 , you might want to consider wearing it to protect against the inevitable contagious "vaccine" which is the likely endgame of #vaccine rapists...

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Ben explained this to me at the El Salvador conf. It's clever: basically, the offline device and some remote server have an ECDH shared secret. When the customer requests an invoice, the offline device generates it and gives a secret *encrypted to the ECDH key*. The customer sends that to the server with the payment, the server decrypts, and sends the customer back the one-time secret/pin which they enter into the offline device as proof. Neat.


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