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When they're new, they really think "I can make money trading this thing". Chances are they won't.

Do what you can to guide them away from gambling with their life savings.

Bitcoin is savings, not a gamble.

Hence, BSP - Bitcoin Savings Plan

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RT @w_s_bitcoin
@AriZonanHODL Some genius in 500BC: "Guys hear me out...if we buy this gold thingy now and sell it in a year, we could triple our initial seashell investment!"

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the JavaScript blocking will continue until page quality improves

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The most valuable asset is not a head full of knowledge but a heart full of love with an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help.

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Inflation is transitory, they told us. No Bitcoiner believed that. Now the staff of the ECB is demanding higher wages, because of inflation. This all is a joke.

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Of COURSE they have
Twitter bans largest Ghislaine Maxwell trial tracker account, @TrackerTrial

The tech giant purges a major source of information on the high profile trial.

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> During the late 1980's and early 1990's I spent a lot of time programming Macintoshes, and eventually decided for fork over several hundred dollars for an Apple product called the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, or MPW. MPW had competitors, but it was unquestionably the premier software development system for the Mac. It was what Apple's own engineers used to write Macintosh code. Given that MacOS was far more technologically advanced, at the time, than its competition, and that Linux did not even exist yet, and given that this was the actual program used by Apple's world-class team of creative engineers, I had high expectations. It arrived on a stack of floppy disks about a foot high, and so there was plenty of time for my excitement to build during the endless installation process. The first time I launched MPW, I was probably expecting some kind of touch-feely multimedia showcase. Instead it was austere, almost to the point of being intimidating. It was a scrolling window into which you could type simple, unformatted text. The system would then interpret these lines of text as commands, and try to execute them.
> It was, in other words, a glass teletype running a command line interface. It came with all sorts of cryptic but powerful commands, which could be invoked by typing their names, and which I learned to use only gradually. It was not until a few years later, when I began messing around with Unix, that I understood that the command line interface embodied in MPW was a re-creation of Unix.
> In other words, the first thing that Apple's hackers had done when they'd got the MacOS up and running--probably even before they'd gotten it up and running--was to re-create the Unix interface, so that they would be able to get some useful work done. At the time, I simply couldn't get my mind around this, but: as far as Apple's hackers were concerned, the Mac's vaunted Graphical User Interface was an impediment, something to be circumvented before the little toaster even came out onto the market.
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Web 1.0: when everyone was afraid the information superhighway would be turned into a Microsoft "toll road"

good times, good times

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If the new German government coalition contract requires open-source software for public/government projects, then does that mean it requires the monetary system, which they require all citizens to use, to be open-source, or at least interoperable with open-source software and money?

The answer will obviously be "no", which is how you know what actually matters for central planning and control. Your public school's video conferencing app does not.

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If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost.

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1789 aristocrat: "If you adopt democracy, you will be ruled by retards."

2021 alert person: "That prediction aged well. Didn't seem like it for the first hundred years or so, but now, wow, we're fucked."

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It's amazing how many awesome words there are, that I've never heard in my life.

psittacism: The mechanical repetition of previously received ideas or images, without true reasoning or feeling; repetition of words or phrases parrot-fashion; an instance of this.

Derives from psittacid "of or pertaining to parrots"

For at least 50 years all discourse on health and disease by layman and expert alike has devolved into a psittacistic circle jerk.

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Old and busted: "digital nomad"

New hot shit: "neo-kaczynski"

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They want you to give up! I want you to keep going & win big

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This got my Facebook account flagged just now. A Covid warning.....there is nothing about covid in this picture....

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El Salvador is speculatively attacking the US Dollar with their new bitcoin bond.

The game theory is playing out as expected.

H/t @BitcoinIsSaving

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