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Hey Fedifriends! :tealheart:

I'm running a short research survey on Mastodon usage for a graduation paper on alternative social networks. Your input will hopefully help me introduce new concepts to media studies in Poland.

Please fill this survey and share with your friends, especially if you know some scholars involved in this topic!

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The OECD Rears Its Ugly Socialist Head in Chile

If Chile has to erect any kind of barrier, it’s against many of the West’s wacky economic and cultural policy prescriptions.

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Ogs freaking out over birdshit. Mastodon all good thank you !

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The REAL Revolutionary Act is Working and Saving

This approach results in personal prosperity, an increase in society’s capital stock, and an acceleration of the inevitable demise of governmental monopolies.

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Inflation versus Morality

The long-term trend in inflation is toward less work and production, and more speculation and gambling.

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First we restore Sound Money*.

Then we restore the GREAT INDIAN CIVILISATION !!

*See :

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Nah bish, your movie just sucked. Nobody wants to see preachy woke SJW action movies. 🙄 #GetWokeGoBroke #CharliesAngels

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@NevaStopXplorin forget ram and sita, whatever happened to the gold in our coins ? :D

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Get Ready For Proof of Keys 2020 #419

Trace Mayer is spreading the word about Proof of Keys which is now in its second year and challenges Bitcoin HODLers to take control of their funds and stop using trusted third parties.





#BTC #crypto #bitcoin

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The Federal Reserve is the root of all evil.
Everything that is wrong with this world starts with the private institution called Federal Reserve.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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