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It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking. | @lewrockwell …

Original Tweet:

10:15 AM - 3 Nov 2019

=>Toot Sponsor:
BUY USA: Exactly 9 MORE 100% Wild Raccoon-Lined Executive Parkas (Great XMAS Gift for your lady) ==>
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Basic Science For #Climate Scientists

This video is a 20 minute course to teach climate scientists the basic science which many of them choose not to understand.
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6. More speculatively, the elimination of cash may be used to prop up
U.S. banks, which many feel are facing a rocky future. By making the
banks the "mediators" of such a government-mandated electronic money
system, this both "privatizes" the system and provides a new revenue
stream for these powerful lobbying interests. For example, your local
bank may issue the debit card and may take, say, 0.5% of every
transaction. The government might then take, say, 3% of every
tra mailing-list-archive.cryptoana

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In this world of censorship crypto currencies are becoming more important and therefore it's important you have a convenient and secure way to store your keys. Get your hardware crypto wallet here and support BitChute in the process.

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Russian Nuclear Scientist Gets a $7,000 Fine for Mining Bitcoin #393

Back in February on this year three scientist were caught mining Bitcoin at a Russian nuclear lab.

One of three scientists has been fined four hundred fifty thousand rubles, which is equal to seven thousand US dollars.

#BTC #crypto #virtualcurrency #Bitcoin

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