@Sosthene depends on your circles in fr. There’s some very hard hitting videos on yt abt the greta thing with a good reach. See https://youtu.be/6Jujrmiyn18
@htimsxela @FreePietje @Sosthene libertarians believe that you cant have a tragedy of the commons if property rights can be acquired and enforced.
@FreePietje @Sosthene @htimsxela the "scientists" might agree that the sun revolves arnd the earth. Question is : have you looked into it yourself to the extent possible or are you going by their word? Don’t trust, verify!
@Sosthene @waxwing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbaPAnPDhXQ lots more of this being made. Look up @bitcoin2019conf on tw.
@Sosthene j’ai vu des braves gens sur des forums qui ont reussi a monter ssh sur tor. Si l’on peut faire ca le reste est gagne.
@Sosthene effectivement on pourrait tt simplement faire un ssh vers eps (c’est documente dans le readme de eps) et ceci sans mdp mais avec une pair de cles rsa, ce qui serait plus sur. Mais si on pouvait monter le port ssh sur un tor hidden service ca permettrait d’eviter des problemes de dns et de maniere generale de rendre le truc plus anonyme au niveau packet inspections.
For anyone interested, ive created a bitcoin-only matrix chatroom.. pls feel free to share the link and join in ! :) https://matrix.to/#/%23bitcoin-only%3Alibrem.one
@Sosthene et je vois que l’idee de shamir secrets a ete validee par les gens de ledger a breaking, par contre faut etre sur que le truc propose sur le site de ian coleman fait le boulot avec les constants et l’alea
@Sosthene salut sosthene, ca a ete breaking btc? J’ai encore une idee folle pr toi .. pubkey based ssh authentication sur un tor hidden service —> eps —> connection ssh via electrum depuis un autre ordi sur tor ! :D
@TallTim u think we’re in the sort of bull regime where u just wait for the dips as a simple dca guy? Or is that to be confirmed? Not that it makes any diff to me, interesting to see ur short and concise ta summaries!
@waxwing ok thanks !
@waxwing im dropping peers like crazy over tor + vpn on core 18. Has that happened to any of you ?
@waxwing luckily for fr judges are supposed to be of very little importance in interpretation. You don’t really find a scalia/breyer type spread in decisions, although a few judges are known for a few specific view points which ultimately get settled pretty quickly by the supreme courts one way or another.
For anyone interested, ive created a bitcoin-only matrix chatroom.. pls feel free to share the link and join in ! :) https://matrix.to/#/%23bitcoin-only%3Alibrem.one
@Sosthene it was productive enough ! From what i learnt on that thread purism’s librem instance is not moderating so i hope ive left that sjw bubble back there on social.
This is where you can find me now folks ! From what I gather @purism doesn't plan to moderate, at least as long as it's not outright abuse.