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Act now. Now. Not later, now. I often read texts from activists that they have found out this and that and that this and that will have bad consequences. Many people are acting, no question about it and that is right, but if we want a future in which we can live well and happily then now is the time to find effective methods to change things politically. Especially in education, because my generation has never heard of gnu. We must never stop fighting.

Mich würde interessieren, wie es sein kann, dass Microsoft Windows an meiner und so gut wie allen anderen Schulen eingesetzt wird und ich es quasi verpflichtend nutzen muss. Die proprietäre Software könnte einfach jeden Mausklick, die Handschrift und Mausbewegungsmuster etc. versenden. Oder Dateien und Account-Daten wie den Name. Und das Windows Telemetriedaten verschickt ist ja allgemein bekannt. Wird mir somit nicht mein Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung entzogen?

I am 15 years old and about a year ago I realized that our society is in danger.

Throw away your devices with malware installed now or you have no interests in the future.

Boost if you want #purism to find a #librem5 reseller here in #germany, where a lot of support for the project comes from!

@todd @kyle #cantwait #linux #gnu #fsf #eff #gnome #kde #linux4life

The first Librem 5 smartphones are shipping “This is a big moment, not just for us as a company, but for everyone concerned about issues of privacy, security, and user freedom. The Librem 5 represents years of work, building the software and hardware required to make this phone a reality.” - Todd Weaver, founder and CEO of

Librem Social

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