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Arguments, in my experience, tend to escalate when the person who is being insulted takes offense and replies with an angry outburst of insults. The parties involved get angrier and angrier until someone gets violent. Please don't allow arguments to escalate.

I would have added more to the post but i ran out of characters

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Why do I care about people so much? and why am I kind?

I care because people are people no matter who they are or what they do.

I care because everyone deserves to know that at least one person cares about them.

I am kind because life in this world is like breath on a window. It is short, and You never know when someone won't be there the next day.

I am kind because I care and I care about everyone.

Please be kind to each other people. I am sick and tired of arguments and insults.

@gbryant I am finally in a financial situation where I can support you on patron again. I hope my support helps at least a little bit.

why are people so mad at each other? How do we stop the arguments?

a short essay thing I wrote giving my experience on the subject (not that I am any sort of expert).

it's been a few hours... I am still waiting for haters to hate on my article XD

@lunduke @gbryant what do you think of this write up I did? feel free to diagree. I won't judge :)

my write up on why we should use the term Free Software instead of Open Source (most of the time)

feel free to yell at me if you feel the need to experess why you disagree with my opinion.

@lunduke @gbryant I would like to make a video and upload it to youtube and LBRY and I was wondering if the two of you would want to be in the video. the video would be a freeform talk show style thing talking about free software and why we love it so much. (sorry if it is not right for me to ask this)

Should I make a box and put it in a small town near where I live for people to share their free/libre and open source software with those who do not have internet access. that way people in such circumstances could potentially get software such as GIMP, Krita, Libreoffice, etc. I also think that it would be a cool way of sharing homemade software with the community. the idea would be that you take some software and give some software.

@gbryant I noticed that on the latest episode of the offtopical podcast you said you didn't know why doesn't have a federated timeline. I asked the same question to someone from purism and they sent me a link to this page (specifically the opt-in section):

@lunduke I bought a system76 galago pro for my college classes. One of the required classes is a class called workstation operating system. It is a class that literally teaches us how to use Windows 10. Should I use the college computers for that class or should I use Windows 10 in a virtual machine on my new galago pro?

I got my galago pro from system76 yesterday and I am really liking this laptop

I discovered how awesome (more specifically guile's implimentation of scheme) is today after reading some of the documentation on the website:

it is apparently possible to extend using a C library

I thought the trailer/advertisement was hilarious. I showed it to a few of my friends and family members and they agreed

facebook is so terrifying... I don't know why I bother to have an account there. I don't even use it all that often

@gbryant I hope you don't mind me asking but do you have a public chat room on or any other matrix server?

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