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Amazon announces "Cyberpunk dystopian mass-suveillance as a service".

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New York: Tell your lawmakers to support two right to repair bills that would make repair of phones, tablets and other digital electronic equipment easier and more accessible for New York residents.

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As we approach the release of the Librem 5 smartphone (Q3 of 2019), we're going to take a look at 1 application (or game, or feature) running on the Librem 5 Development Kit every single day.

Starting with something fun:

Day 1 - AisleRiot Solitaire

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We’re proud to support Disappear - Documentary sequel to Nothing to Hide, featuring Matt Mitchell. He’s the founder of Crypto Harlem, Director of Digital Safety & Privacy for Tactical Tech Berlin (@info_activism ), and a ProtonMail user! Find out more about the documentary and how to support the crowdfunding campaign here:

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We're taking a look at software running on the Librem 5 Smartphone Dev Kit -- something new, every day.

Day 2 - Gedit & Apt

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Two years ago, Canonical announced the discontinuation of Ubuntu Touch. But, you know, as a valued community member, that we have all worked hard to keep Ubuntu Touch alive and the project is stronger than ever. 
We are proud to announce that Ubports is now about to be granted the status of an official foundation that is recognized by the authorities in Berlin! 
Read our official announcement here: 
Thank you for all of your support, and we look forward to even better years to come. #foundation #ubuntu #UBports #linux #opensource #developer #UbuntuTouch

In the same spirit as when @lunduke declared ‘Linux Thursdays’, I’m hoping that if we were to declare the ‘Solstinox’ as the time of the season to donate to your favourite Free/Libre Open Source Software projects, it might give a little boost of money to help with further development and improvements and also show the developers that their work is appreciated.

The ‘Solstinox FLOSS Appreciation Donation’ campaign is just a working title for it–perhaps someone can come up with something catchier?

The Solstices and the Equinoxes are fairly arbitrary dates (handily spread out evenly over the year) but could be tenuously tied into the ‘equality’ of the Equinoxes and the ‘tipping point’ of the earth for the Solstices.

They also sometimes show up on calendars and get mentioned in the news, so there’s a little bit of free advertising thrown in as well.

The 'Solstinox FLOSS Appreciation Donation' campaign is an attempt to encourage users to donate a small amount of money to some of their favourite FLOSS projects on the summer/winter Solstices (and also the Equinoxes).

“Many a mickle makes a muckle” is a delightful Scottish proverb - a lot of small amounts, put together, become a large amount - and that’s one of the main ‘thrusts’ of this as a campaign - if lots of people donate a few doubloons then it can really add up and be quite helpful.

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Did you know that you can check out source code for things Purism works on (such as Librem One applications and bits relating to the upcoming Librem 5 smartphone) right from

Source code should be Free.

That's just how we roll.

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The block button rules.

If people are being mean and unkind? I block em!

Doesn't infringe on their free speech -- they can be as mean and hateful as they like on their own timeline. I just don't need to listen to it. ;)


Who wants to talk about FreeDOS? :)

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It's time for a round of "Lunduke says obvious things about himself because a few people like to make up things about him."

Lunduke is not now, and has never been, a Nazi.

Lunduke is a proud Jewish man.

Lunduke believes in freedom. Free speech and Free Software are my jam.

Lunduke believes in and lives by the ideals of Bill & Ted: Be excellent to each other.

Lunduke has been fighting for basic civil rights for ALL (incl. same sex marriage) since he became a grown-up in the 90s.

Trying out Librem Social for the first time - I'm assuming it's pretty much like Facebook but without all the creepy tracking, fake news and advertisements. Hopefully it'll also have a much better user interface than the Bacefook clusterfluck :)

Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml