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@fribbledom @vimja

To the swiss german community out there.
I just opend a merge request on the purism squeekboard for a swiss german layout. I didn't do much actually, so feel free to comment, adjust discuss or share.

I nime itz mau ah dir chöit irgendwas wo tönt wi Schitzerdütsch :-D

Any swiss fellows here who have a hint for a ch-de layout mech keyboard preferably tkl without having to solder myself?

Some nice photos from this sundays trip to the near alps.
For naming one of these mountains you get a free...
ehm, idk virtual hug or so...

Some wisdom in swiss german:
Schiess nid dri mit wii wenn sunnä schii(n)🙈

Quite happy with my homeoffice for now.
Waiting for my librem for convergence stuff, but will probably wait one more year or so :-(

Hm, this should have some text with it, that on mobian somehow didn't post. ;-)

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petrisch boosted

So the first 20y are about developing all those filters to get to know the world around you and not getting too distracted by this random noise.
And then the next 40y is about to get rid of those filters to see what was wrong about them? How screwed up is that?

Hurra, unsere Verfassung regelt alles, von Architektur bis Mode, bin grad soo stolz!

Thank you and every other giant in the field!
Not in heavy use, but update once a day, using a bit more every day.

Just tried to get into brave browser because it gets promoted every now and then.

But already struggling with installation.

If its that popular, how is there no Debian package? No Flathub package. No second source to trust other than brave itself?

If building it from source, getting it from brave or snap are the only way to go, I have my doubts.

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