Show more ich bin kein gamer, aber ich könnt mir vorstellen dass das was sein könnte fürn shooter. Mal probiert?

@mathias looks great, i see some potential for my usecases as well.

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

@taijidude hm depends a bit on what to diff. You can do (ls dirB) == (ls dirB). Other than that comparing the output with 'open'. But real diffing is not part of a shell. That goes to tool like 'git diff' or 'delta' etc.

@sramsay Been using it for some years already as a daily driver on both win and linux. I don't think i will make it the login shell unless my distro does it, but its the default shell in my terminal emulater and i love it.

@mirabilos @dickenhobelix stimmt, dann mehr so: guckt mal hier, wär das nicht besser so?

@hyde i clean the cover every week, but not under the caps. I have this external thinkpad keyboard and unfortunately taking of the keycaps brakes them easily. On the other hand there is not much room for dirt either :-)

@raichoo i am reading the 0.10 blogpost and it suggests that injections should work builtin. Thatd why i was wondering.

@raichoo is it basically what the builtin commentary ships now, or is there more functionality?

@thinkMoult maybe its just a chromium webapp, so basically shipping a browser with it, but could be wrong. I have a couple of customizations for nvim that i simply can't yet make in helix. That is for a old language for a lot of legacy code. For this i really need the extentability of vim.

@gnadenelfmeter @scy Whats the benefit of doing this? Does it load faster?

petrisch boosted

Ondsel Engineering Suite 2024.2 is out: new assembly features, Sketcher and TechDraw cleanup and QoL improvements, Sheet Metal now included with improvements, and more

petrisch boosted

Ondsel 2024.2 is out with a bunch of new features and quality-of-life improvements

petrisch boosted

@hyde cool, I installed conform.nvim with deno as the markdown formater. Works great but I rarely use it and even less so do tables. Did you try that route as well?

@retazomag helix brings a lot out of the box and is really great. There is not much extensability for now, so if you need a certain feature you have to fork or PR in Rust.

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