Purism's Mastodon Instance Modifications: https://linuxliaison.org/purisms-mastodon-instance-modifications/
Haha best quote this morning "You know how gaijin get kanji tattooed on themselves without knowing what it means? A little Google translate can do damage for a lifetime. Yeah. That's the worst. " #fuckgoogle
Let's not fool ourselves. While librem.one is new and slick on marketing.
@disroot is the real deal. I support both their efforts at the end of the day we are no longer a product!
Retro computing and all the cool stuff in the land of BSD sdf.org is for you! Lots of great people out there doing wonderful things for the community!
Free Speech advocate. I say the shit you wish you had them balls too! I don’t discriminate I hate everyone starting with myself! So #fuckoffanddie