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🎉 #tek 0.2.0-rc.6 published! 🎉

this is the first release that contains a build of `tek_arranger`. keybinds in status bar (and release notes)

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Russia opens a felony case against MediaZona editor-in-chief Sergey Smirnov for refusing to add the "conspicuous statement" disclosure about his "foreign agent" status to his media content as required by Russian law. (The US is poised to impose similar reqs with FARA.)

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Welcome to Linux filesystems, we have:
- Don't make too many folders filesystem
- Allegedly data losing filesystem
- I killed my wife filesystem
- Let's post 3k lines patch to stable filesystem

Ryukksakku! So backpack in Japanese is rucksack? 😲
Every time I encounter a word in foreign language that is similar to the one in Russian, I feel weird — even if for both languages it's a loanword 😄

For Christmas I want every Google employee to be hit with a bicycle… And run over by a motorcycle…
Okay, maybe two bicycles and a motor cycle 🤔
At the same time!

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@theorytoe that's fucked up :sadcat: why is gaming such a cesspool?
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Putin is desperately trying to get his expensive military equipment out of Syria.

According to multiple online sources, the Russian cargo ship Ursa Major suffered an explosion in the engine room a few hours ago, and sank south of Cartagena, Spain, on its way to Syria.

14 crew members rescued by multiple Spanish navy ships. 2 crew members missing.

I don't like a thing about this photo except for my and the variety of colours — for some reason phones give you that.

Oh… and at least this time we aren't late for

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SPIEGEL 1983 cover reading "total surveillance" regarding new personal ID card
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