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@uep suggested someone should swap the `n` and `ope` in this picture ... I happily oblige!

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Typically great reporting here by Mediazona. Besides a fascinating human drama, this report on a Russian pacifist who served two years, bouncing from medical services to basement prisons, ends with a crazy revelation that Russian commanders list their men as MIA before ordering them into battle in a scheme to win medals for "zero-casualty assaults."

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This library wheel is how you could have multiple tabs open in the days before web browsers. #library #wheel #books #browser

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Our cat hoards pens, and this is what I found in his toybox today 🙄

The clicky one in the middle is his favourite, and I've been looking for that #StarTrek pen for ages!!

#Cats #Pens #CatsOfMastodon

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#catsofmastodon #Kitten Oha, Homeoffice und Babykatze, die Produktivität sinkt ins Bodenlose 🫣 aber kann man so etwas niedliches einfach so missachten? 🫠

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Me as a teen: Oh god this Celeron M is painfully slow, but it does compile supertux, so that's neat I guess
Me as a late 20s unix_surrealist: P e n t i u m M

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Always remember that a large amount of people wanted to negotiate with Hitler 'for peace' long after Germany started eating its neighbours. When the French collaborators negotiated they nearly lost all of France to the Nazis. Negotiation can only happen after the invader has been pushed back home.

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