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I assume this is a weird artifact of whatever sensor collects this weather data, but it's pretty cool looking anyway. #IEWX

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how do you folks organise cables?

(deliberately left open. please boost)

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Got my cats a Twitter!
I'm afraid they won't be much better than Elon Musk and could be even worse — they'll destroy it in less than a week that is 😹

Should I start calling it 𝕏 already? 🤔


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My #cat loves to watch birds, squirrels, mice on YouTube. I had the #audacity to interrupt with a picture.

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I am a programmer in the year 2024 who doesn't use AI.

I'm not even curious about it.

It's not just the mistakes. Hallucinations. Artificial confidence.

It's not just the unconscionable energy use. Laundering and reinforcement of historical biases. Ripoff of creative works. Exploited workers. Scams. Bots. Political propaganda. Mass surveillance to train the beast. And this is just off the top of my head here.


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