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m0xEE boosted

At least there's more than 0 jobs for juniors in #rustlang, I guess.


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m0xEE boosted

Go back to school in style, just like Tux! Free backpack on select orders for a limited time!

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m0xEE boosted

Seeking help from an IT security person - please share!

I run an open source, federated event sharing site, #Gathio ( A few days ago, it was victim to a ransomware attack that deleted the database. I need a few hours of someone's time (paid of course!) to sit with me and go through my security configuration ASAP.

Sometimes, running open source, free, community services _sucks_. :blobhaj_sadreach:

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m0xEE boosted
It's better to not come to an answer at all than to come to an answer that's wrong.
m0xEE boosted

Robin Brooks “In the first 4 months of 2024, Hungary’s exports to Kyrgyzstan were $81 mn versus around $2 mn in the same 4-month period before Russia invaded Ukraine. That’s a rise of 3400%. Nothing about this is normal. Nothing about it should be happening. This stuff is going to Russia…” #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict #UkrainianConflict

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m0xEE boosted
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Oh Hi! Thanks for leaving this open for me so I could get in here at 4:00 AM to muck about amongst your Pyrex, pots n pans! I didn't wake you did I! #TuxieGirl #Betty #Cats #Catstodon

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If you're an audio engineer, or in networking, this might be the carpet from hell

These people would rather die than be Soviet slaves!

m0xEE boosted

Firefox got ported to Haiku:
It's most probably not without issues, and I doubt it's as reliable as it is on more mainstream operating systems, but it's impressive nonetheless!

m0xEE boosted
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