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m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

Photographic evidence of it being cold enough for the to wear sweaters 😸

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m0xEE boosted

When you take the picture before getting the approval😁 🐾😸

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A rare pic of Ike and Danu together. They are often together, until I try to take a picture.

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m0xEE boosted

You know things are bad in Russia when you have to resort to posting physical leaflets to fight Internet censorship. And you know it’s even worse when the anti-censorship heroes call themselves the “Union of Maoists of the Urals.”

Would you rather buy space broadband from a billionaire, or Communist China?

I hate that South Park episode, but isn't this indeed like choosing from giant douche and turd sandwich? 🤔

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m0xEE boosted

This looks an allaming hostage situation

I've been wondering why the word "Oriental" is considered bad and "Asian" should be preferred for quite some time — because it doesn't sound racist to me at all.
Turns out it indeed isn't:
It's just some bullshit that white people pursue in the US to overcompensate for racism towards black people 🤦

m0xEE boosted

call me a programmer because I can sort

function f() { sleep "$1" echo "$1" } while [ -n "$1" ]; do f "$1" & shift done wait

Only output valid json and nothing else!

Hmm… I should probably use this when interacting with annoying people 😏

m0xEE boosted
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