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Now we know for a fact that GoogleShit™ is so broken because someone didn't get punched in their face strong enough 😅

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m0xEE boosted

In case you're using Firefox on mobile - so myself and like four others - disabling Firefox' new Facebook data collection feature is quite a bit harder than on desktop, but it can be done:

Go to chrome://geckoview/content/config.xhtml
Use the search field to find the entry for aboutConfig and enable it
Go to about:config
Search for dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled and set it to false

Done. This only works on Android, because Firefox on iOS is just a Safari skin.

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Raccoons are trying to break into Cybertrucks, and there's some speculation that this is happening because the raccoons are literally confusing them with dumpsters

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Well. That's the straw that broke the camels back.

Mastodon! I am looking for work!
I'm an electronics engineer with about five years of experience, I'm based in the Midlands (UK), but I am more than willing to move.

If anyone knows of anything - let me know!

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Why are they addressing him as President Trump? Isn't he still just a candidate or do they know something we don't yet? 😏

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Servo is the only browser engine I've been excited about for a while, so, time to help them out

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Project 2025 will require all shitposts to be based on true stories and be historically accurate and scientifically sound.

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On the bright side: now that Element Web is gone I don't have any reasons to keep WebRTC and WebAssembly enabled — good riddance! 😁

m0xEE boosted

@drewdevault was there really that much advancement. there was the hallmark paper "Attention is all you need" which established a new model for fuzzy dictionary compression
but otherwise, it just seems like illogical amounts of memory and compute were thrown at it (which could've happened regardless, just with somewhat different architecture), because this isn't really driven by "we have found revolutionary optimizations" but by money and brute-force.

m0xEE boosted
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