Simona Kossak fought to protect Europe's oldest forest.
The locals called her a witch, because she chatted with animals and owned a terrorist-crow, who stole gold and attacked bicycle riders. She spent more than 30 years in a wooden hut in the Białowieża Forest (Poland), without electricity or running water.
A lynx slept in her bed, and a tamed boar lived with her.
She was 1 of the originators of the UOZ-1 repeller, a device that warns wild animals of passing trains.
Wow, it turns out that the parameter you pass to "screen -r" to reconnect to a session can match its name partially.
For example, if you have a session named "cmus", to reconnect to it, instead of "screen -r cmus", you can use "screen -r c" — which is shorter.
I've been using screen for literal decades and didn't know that — today I removed too many trailing characters from the parameters and noticed that it still worked
Quick, everyone, use the same tech by the same huge corporations… what could possibly go wrong?
New Thunderbird, among other things that I'm not looking forward to — like the revamped UI, is based on the latest Firefox ESR — yep, that one.
Does this mean that it also performs the privacy-preserving () ad measurement?
Oh, yes and comes with non-optional WebPee support! Why does everything have to be so broken?
And then they are wondering why people are, to put it mildly, not eager to install the updates
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.