Looks like Internet filtering was relaxed a bit for the weekend, I can even use OpenVPN over UDP without all the weird quirks.
There are also rumours that Instagram is accessible directly, but I'm too lazy to check — I'm not using direct connections for HTTP(S).
Is Internet censorship branch of KGB on vacation or did they decide to do this as a gift to us? 🤔
Intel Ditches Hyperthreading For Lunar Lake CPUs https://it.slashdot.org/story/24/06/06/1723211/intel-ditches-hyperthreading-for-lunar-lake-cpus?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon
Pollen sufferers. Listen to Momma Annie.
You. Are. Blowing. Your. Nose. Too. Danged. Hard. 👏
I suffered and suffered though pollen season after pollen season for YEARS. Until three years ago, when I took a doctor's advice and stopped doing the full on, hard honking nose blowing. It works.
I have a short stretch where my nose runs during pollen season. I blow my nose gently for around twoish weeks, and then it stops. It. is.magic.
It's a combination of hard blowing, going in and out of air conditioning, and using decongestants for stuffy nose when the hard blowing IS the source of the stuffy nose. You're agitating the hell out of your sinuses and that causes your body to react harder with mucus and sneezing.
I keep sharing this because I know your pain. I've been there and I don't want you to suffer anymore. Please try it, loves. I promise it works. I really hope it brings you relief. 💕
@phoronix Turns 20 Years Old This Week - Celebrate With A Premium Special: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Phoronix-20th-Birthday-Special
#anniversary #birthday #celebrate #phoronix #linux #opensource #tuxedo #tuxedocomputers
Georgia only just passed its Russian law, and the government has already introduced legislation targeting LGBTQ+ people. This is by no means accidental.
Like it or not, we have become a geopolitical signal. We often symbolise the 'degenerate' West – as well as opposition to it. In the world of 2024, queer folk are not seen as people, we are tools. We are international scapegoats.
And when they come for us, they're coming for democracy itself. Our freedom is everyone's freedom.
With its slowly growing content I see an opportunity for #GeminiProtocol to become a standard to keep using old machines that otherwise would become e-waste.
Most of the web is painful to unusable today if you have a PC that’s one decade old or more. Yet the majority of actually useful information is still text with a few included documents or images. Gemini will always be useable on E-readers when we know the web content may sometimes be readable but mostly not.
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.