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m0xEE boosted
We live in the world where my washing machine stuck in an infinite loop...

m0xEE boosted

> I don't see harm in this coming out either:

Oh, no, very cool.

> it's not like there are plenty on RISC-V laptops already

You might be surprised: there's a Milky-V that's pin-compatible with the RPi CM-4, so a lot of the places you could plug a CM-4 work. Like this guy got it to work in a Turing Pi 2 (FSE's currently living on a TPi2): . There are Pi laptop kits that are basically a CM-4 carrier board with battery/keyboard/screen/battery, right, and I imagine that you could get a MilkyV to run in a lot of them.

> it won't spread the community thin

Oh, I'm not really worried about that kind of thing.
m0xEE boosted

🔥 take, 8 bit CPUs 

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#Belarus opposition published a video from one of the Belarus border guard centres where they instruct a new group of migrants on the border storming tactics. The guard instructs the men in Russian, which is then translated into English. He tells them they will be equipped with knives and advises to hit all “unprotected parts” of the #Poland border guards, such as neck, armpits etc. Video in Russian and English, with English subtitles was published by Belarusian opposition news agency NEXTA.

m0xEE boosted
> Even though he knew about OpenBSD's sudo alternative, “doas”, he mentions that it is still a SUID binary. The issue with those is that they feature a large attack surface that can easily be exploited

lennart using the phrase "large attack surface" is the largest pot calling the kettle black in linux history :blobcatgooglybadumtss:

Browsing Fedi when you're hungover is insane!
(Never do it, nothing makes sense)

m0xEE boosted

A lot of people have followed me in the past month, so in 2 posts, here's a summary of what I think and why I'm here.

American society is increasingly dominated by the authoritarian left & authoritarian right. People communicate with insults instead of reasons. Many reject the value of open, vigorous debate.

I say that people should live together by reason and good will, not force & fear. I reject supernatural claims, group identity, and authority to command others as a basis for society. 1/2

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Sucks that hot swap batteries and storage expansion are gone from the vast majority of smartphones now

m0xEE boosted

Were Googly-eyed fuckers desperate enough so they'd pay bloggers to promote WebPee? 🤔
Kinda hard to believe that this was written out of genuine concern and in good faith 🧐

m0xEE boosted

I know that you hate Rust, but have you seen this:
With little resources they have, it's surprising that it has a semblance of something working.
Hardware support is severely lacking (namely USB is supported only for input devices, which might not be a bad thing 😏), but at least it seems to have true microkernel design.

These two are late for ! Again!
Because they've been lazing around too much 😸😸

One of the big-ass fans in my Mac Pro's case is making "funny" noises, I did vacuum it on the inside without putting too much effort into it, but it persists.
I can barely hear it during daytime or when the music is playing, but the noise is high-pitched and as it's in half-empty room, with all the reverberation it's very annoying. I hoped that it would just pass, but it didn't after three days — if anything, it only got worse. I don't want to disassemble the fucking thing 😩

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